A few days ago some guy asked for advice claiming his mutalisks get mauled on Mist Opportunities against Devouring Scourge composition (P2 Dehaka). I was pretty astonished how many people suggested him to use hydralisks, so I gave it a go and did a solo game using hydralisks in the same circumstances. Went pretty well, you can check VIDEO if you want. Hydralisks have good DPS, but short range and are fragile and I still think that there are always better options and evolved units are always better than basic ones in general, except in some situations where you want to use primal hosts.

So - if you have mutators that punish units (e.g. Black Death, Fatal Attraction...), you want to use either primal wurms or creeper hosts; also you want to use creeper hosts on maps where you can use them to snipe mission objectives without pushing in like Rifts to Korhal or Scythe of Amon.

In normal brutal games without mutators:

On infested maps it's best to use guardians with a few mutalisks against air units.

Against any Zerg compositions it's best to use tyrannozors; you might also use them against other races' compositions that don't have hard-hitting units like immortals, thors or tempests.

Against air compositions of other 2 races you can use either mutalisks or creeper hosts.

Against Protoss robo you can go mutalisk/guardian.

Terran mech is probably hardest to counter, so if you don't have pack leader available, try to jump on thors, use roar to slow them down and eat a science vessel to create psionic explosion that will destroy other vessels to prevent them from irradiating your units and soften up the thors. Then finish off thors with creepers or guardians.

On maps where you need to snipe high HP mission objectives like Oblivion Express and Part and Parcel you might want to add some impalers to do the job; also if you are dealing with Propagators!