16 of December 2024 - Mutation #452: Rumble in the Jungle
Mutation #452: Rumble in the Jungle / Map: Mist Opportunities
Mutators: Aggressive Deployment, We Move Unseen, Temporal Field
Aggressive Deployment
Additional enemy units are periodically deployed onto the battlefield.
Spawns are separate for each player.
The first spawn is at {6:10/ 5:40/ 5:20/ 4:50}.
Additional spawns each {4:10/ 3:50/ 2:50/ 2:10}.
Drop locations prioritize player's units. Structures, workers, Queens and units with 0 supply (majority of hero units and calldowns) or units with no weapons are excluded.
If no unit is found, drops are randomly spawned in (25,40) distance from starting locations.
If the randomly chosen unit, around which the drop pod will spawn, has no valid ground pathing to the player's starting location, the drop won't spawn at all. This way of preventing drop pods from spawning is generally useful only for commanders with good static defenses or hero only runs.
Size and tech increase as time goes on. <Power, Tech> levels: <1,1> → <2,1> → <3,2> → <4,2> → <4,3> → <4,4> → <5,5> → <5,6>.
We Move Unseen
All enemy units are permanently cloaked.
Structures are not cloaked.
Hostile Map Objective units are cloaked too.
Destructible Rocks aren't cloaked.
Temporal Field
Enemy Temporal Fields are periodically deployed throughout the map.
Units that enter a Temporal Field are disabled and their timeflow is slowed to 1%.
Heroic units are only slowed, their movement and attack speed are reduced by 50%.
Affected units are detected, revealed and can be attacked.
Temporal Fields spawn each {8/6/4/3} seconds and stay clear of Mutator Safety Zones.
There is 1s delay before Temporal Field becomes active. Each field is active for 20s.
Temporal Field has 1.5 radius and affects both ground and air units.
#33 Rumble in the Jungle – SOLO ALL CLEAR
Mutators: Aggressive Deployment, We Move Unseen, Temporal Field
https://youtu.be/t636RwpwU_4 (advice - with a post about almost every commander)
https://youtu.be/Ylx8ZtMJzNQ (easy solo - Nova p1)
Make extra detectors in case your overseers get wrecked or stuck in a temporal field. Static defense detectors at the bots are also good.
Keep defenses near the bot entrance because some AD waves will fall when the bots are moving out.
In particular, a wave will fall around 15:30 when the 3rd set is moving back, 17:30 when the 4th set is moving out, 20:00 when the 4th set is moving back, and near the end when the 5th set is almost at the starting point.
For duos: doesn’t really matter as long as you stick together to deal with AD waves
For solo queue: Stetmann, Zeratul, Tychus, Nova
Successes [and key points]
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3FSCru5EHIhEEUlvqNi4dphm0igS72zT (playlist with all commanders)
Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.
Nice people in my discord can help you with the mutation: https://discord.gg/WerduSFQQK