Random Brutal +6: Void Rifts, Black Death, & Outbreak on Mist Opps. Strategy?

My buddy and i do weekly brutals+ (casual players, but we're okay-- average micro/macro), working our way from Brutal+1-6. This week we 1 shot everything with random comms + random maps, until we hit +6 and we got to this one: Void Rifts, Black death & outbreak on Mist opportunities map... ouch. We only play about an hour per session, but we're 0-2 on this one. Our best attempt was Tychus Tech Recruit & H/H, got to 23mins, and 1 bonus before hybrid waves + black death overwhelmed us. Seems like you need a combo of: super early def (2:15 min), healing to survive black death, and a strong enough offense to stop waves AND clear objectives while dealing with rifts--- all with a delayed army & black death further weakening your army. Its really hard to defend & simultaneously attack with a weakened economy while having your armies/ attention split across the map (rifts). We're stumped, but motivated. Any ideas?