Healing abilities tier list

I thought I'd make a tier list ranking the commanders based on their healing abilities. Commanders will be given extra points for abilities which are passive/autocast, abilities which can heal a wide variety of units/structures, abilities which affect both you and your ally, and abilities which help you cheat death. Points will be allocated as follows:

Each healing ability earns the commander 1 point, with a x2 bonus for each of the following perks - if the ability can affect your ally, if the ability is passive/autocast, if the ability doesn't cost energy/resources, if the ability affects more than one unit at a time, if the ability has an area of effect larger than 1 screen, and if the ability is not limited to a specific type of unit (e.g. mechanical, biological, ground, cloaked, units with shields, units about to die, etc.). Abilities that only affect shields get a x0.5 penalty. So for example a passive ability that affects all friendly units across the map at no cost will earn the commander 64 points.

Every unit/hero which has a self-heal/revive ability earns 1 point for the commander. Heroes that have self-healing abilities beyond just the standard increased health regeneration rate earn an additional point.

Without further ado, and going from worst to best:

D tier:

Alarak: Healing is for the weak! Jokes aside, he does actually have healing abilities, for himself at least. Alarak heals himself for 20 HP and 20 shields every time a nearby enemy unit is killed. He also steals life from your own units when he is near death at a 1:1 ratio, so could theoretically last indefinitely as long as you have enough supplicants. He also passively regenerates 2 shields and 2 HP per second. His ascendants also gain shields when they sacrifice a supplicant. But that's it as far as healing abilities go. Total points = 3.

Fenix: His suits regenerate up to 2.4 health and shields per second (4.8 with P1) when not active on the field. His praetor suit can also automatically restore its shields when depleted, at a cost of 100 energy. You could also argue that his 6 champions have an instant revive ability at the cost of one of their unit type, but due to the relatively high cost of this ability I'll give each of them half a point. Total points = 5

C tier:

Zagara: Her queens have transfusion, which heals 125 life instantly for 50 energy cost, but needs to be actively cast and only affects biological units or structures. With mastery, queens regen energy up to 30% faster allowing for more frequent usage of transfusion, and also regen health 30% faster too. Zagara herself can regenerate health at up to a whopping 17 HP per second with heroic fortitude, full mastery and the apex predator prestige. With P2, her aberrations and corruptors regen health very quickly, officially at 3.2734 per second though I hear this is bugged and is actually at 6 HP per second. Her summoned roaches also regenerate 5 HP per second when burrowed. Total points = 8 (for P2)

Han & Horner: Their reapers automatically regenerate 2 HP per second when out of combat. The level 11 talent also gives their wraiths, vikings, ravens, battlecruisers and (upgraded) galleons the ability to passively regenerate 3.75 HP per second when out of combat. Like all Terrans they also have SCVs which can repair mechanical units and structures. Total points = 10

Stukov: Infesting a friendly structure heals it at a rate of 25 HP per second for 20 seconds. His infested bunkers also automatically regenerate health at 4 HP per second when rooted (8 HP/s when upgraded). Infested siege tanks heal 20 HP when they load an infested unit. When upgraded, infested banshees regenerate 20 HP per second when burrowed. Also, as a pseudo-Terran commander he has SCVs which can repair mechanical units and structures. But that's about it as far as healing options go. Total points = 11

Mengsk: Intercessors can automatically heal a friendly biological unit at a rate of 9 life per second (costs 3 energy per second), and when upgraded can heal 2 units simultaneously. Like all Terrans he also has SCVs (well, labourers) which can repair mechanical units and structures. Total points = 12 (not P3)

Zeratul: Shieldguards can automatically recharge the shields of a friendly protoss unit at a cost of 1 energy per 4 shields. Once artifact fragment 3 is found, void templar automatically regenerate all their health and shields when they take fatal damage (180s cooldown), enforcers' barrier fully repairs any hull damage when triggered (60s cooldown), and deployed void arrays passively regenerate the shields of nearby friendly units at a rate of 2 shields per second. Telbrus' psionic storm also restores 112 shields to all friendly units in the target area. Zeratul himself passively regenerates 15 shields per second and 1 HP per second. Total points = 16 (not P3)

B tier:

Raynor: His medics automatically heal a nearby friendly unit for 12 life per second when upgraded and can heal both biological and mechanical units, at a cost of 3 energy per second. As a bonus, units being healed take 25% less damage. With mastery medics can also heal an additional target for up to 10.8 HP per second. Medics are cheap (75/50, 2 supply) and easy to build but fragile. Like all Terrans he also has SCVs which can repair mechanical units and structures. Unlike other Terran commanders he has mules which can also repair mechanical units and structures. Total points = 24

Nova: Her ravens can autocast biomechanical repair drone (30s duration, 60s cooldown, up to 3 charges per raven), which heals a nearby friendly unit at a rate of 17.5 HP per second when upgraded, and cloaks the unit being healed as well. Also, her 10 combat units can automatically regenerate up to 6 HP per second with full mastery (though most Nova players don't max out this mastery). Her marines have super stimpack which heals them for 30 HP over 15 seconds. Nova herself regenerates 10 HP per second after the caduceus reactor upgrade. If she dies, she can be instantly revived for a cost of up to 450 minerals depending on how much time has elapsed since she died. Like all Terrans she also has SCVs which can repair mechanical units and structures. Total points = 32

Artanis: Guardian shell protects and passively heals all friendly units taking fatal damage for up to 30% of their health and shields with full mastery. It's a great ability, albeit somewhat situational for healing purposes. Psionic storm also restores up to 50 shields for friendly units within its area of effect (doubled to 100 shields with P1). Dragoons also have double the shield regen rate of normal protoss units. Total points = 35 (not P3)

Kerrigan: Her queens are the same as Zagara's, though they don't benefit from mastery points. However her main healing ability is malignant creep, which passively heals all friendly ground units at 1 HP per second, or 2 HP per second with P1. Kerrigan herself also regenerates 10 HP per second (after the heroic fortitude upgrade) and has a 200 HP shield which regenerates as she deals damage (30% life leech for non-P2). Her ultralisks have 40% life steal when upgraded and revive themselves after death. Her mutalisks also regenerate 10 HP per second outside of battle once upgraded. Total points = 38

Swann: His SCVs can repair mechanical units and structures for free which is great. His 9 mech units automatically heal themselves at 2 HP per second with the regenerative biosteel upgrade, and his structures also heal to 50% of their HP automatically at a rate of 15 HP per second. His siege tanks and thors can rebuild themselves for a portion of their original gas cost. His science vessels can also automatically repair a nearby mechanical unit for no energy cost after the upgrade (though I couldn't find details on how fast their repair rate is). Overall Swann has quite a few healing options but they all only affect mechanical units which limits the benefit to your ally. Total points = 41

A tier:

Vorazun: Emergency recall automatically saves any friendly cloaked or burrowed units taking fatal damage, and with P1 it also fully heals them. It's a great ability for both you and your ally but requires you to be good at using dark pylons to cloak your armies during battle, making it somewhat situational (though zerg allies can burrow their units just before death to trigger it). Her level 7 talent also increases the shield regen rate of all friendly cloaked units by 400%. Her stalkers also regain all their shields every time they blink, once you have the upgrade. Total points = 49 (for P1)

Karax: Repair beam passively heals up to 5 mechanical units or structures simultaneously, at a rate of up to 9.5 HP per second for units and 19 HP per second for structures with full mastery. With P1, repair beam only affects structures but can heal up to 10 structures simultaneously at a rate of up to 38 HP per second with full mastery. He also has shield batteries to automatically restore the shields of any nearby friendly unit or defensive structure at a rate of 50.4 shields per second, and a cost of 1 energy per 3 shields. His carriers also have repair drones which passively heal nearby friendly mechanical units. His sentinels also revive themselves when killed, with a relatively short cooldown of 2 minutes. Karax has great healing options, but like Swann they only affect mechanical units. Total points = 51

Abathur: Mend heals all friendly units and structures across the map for up to 300 HP with full mastery (though most Abathur players don't max out this mastery). It has 3 charges and a 90 second cooldown. Swarm queens' transfusion heals any friendly unit or structure for 35 HP (once upgraded) at a cost of 10 energy and a 3 second cooldown, and can be autocast. At full biomass, swarm queens regenerate 10.125 energy every 3 seconds, which means they can continually cast transfusion without ever running out of energy, essentially negating the energy cost. They are also arguably the hardest healers to kill in the game once they have full biomass. Abathur's non-UE units also have 100% life leech at full biomass thanks to the level 15 biotic leech talent. His roaches also regenerate 5 HP per second when burrowed (10 HP per second after the tunnelling claws upgrade), and his mutalisks regenerate 10 HP per second outside of battle once upgraded. Total points = 56

Dehaka: His primal regeneration ability passively heals all friendly units within 10 range of Dehaka by up to 3 HP per second. Primal igniters, guardians, mutalisks, ravasaurs, impalers and tyrannozors have a 20-50% chance (depending on mastery) of gaining a 20% life leech ability when they are made through primal combat. His mutalisks also revive upon death (with a short cooldown of 60s), and his ultralisks and tyrannozors automatically regenerate 10 HP per second when upgraded. His primal roaches and igniters also regenerate 10 HP per second when burrowed. Dehaka himself passively regenerates 2 HP per second, and also heals 2 HP for every essence point he collects. Devour also heals him for up to 32.5% of his total HP when devouring a biological unit (with full mastery), or up to 6.5% when devouring non-biological units. With P1, the healing from devour also applies to any friendly unit within 10 range of Dehaka. If Dehaka dies he can be instantly revived at the cost of several drones. Total points = 58 (for P1)

S tier:

Stetmann: The green stetzone at full mastery passively heals all his units inside the stetzone at a rate of 16 HP per second and all allied units at 8 HP per second. This is probably the best healing ability in the game. Mecha infestors can cast UMI-C charging protocol to heal any friendly unit for a total of 750 life over 20 seconds (as well as restoring 250 energy), though this costs 75 egonergy and needs to be cast manually. The egonergy cost can however be negated by infestors casting it on each other. Mecha ultralisks can also automatically heal themselves by stealing HP from friendly/enemy mechanical units, at a rate of 25 HP every 2 seconds. Gary passively regenerates 3 HP per second (doubled to 6 HP/s for super Gary), and super Gary can passively regenerate an additional 1 HP per second per stack of the best oil he gains via collecting mecha remnants, up to a maximum of 20 stacks (i.e. 20 HP per second). With P3, all of Stetmann's units can obtain stacks of the best oil (via killing units) and gain this HP regeneration, though admittedly it is very hard for most units to reach 20 stacks and maintain it (since each stack lasts only 30 seconds), except perhaps mecha lurkers and mecha ultralisks on infested maps. Stetmann's mecha drones can also heal mechanical units and structures in the same way as SCVs. Total points = 79 (not P3)

Tychus: All outlaws passively regenerate 2 HP per second. Medivac pickup heals any outlaw dropped off by up to 50% of their total HP over 10 seconds (as long as they don't get attacked), and also cloaks them during this period. Cannonball has an upgrade which automatically restores his life back to full when taking fatal damage (on a 60s cooldown) and makes him immune to damage for 5 seconds. Rattlesnake's stimpack heals him for 30 HP over 15 seconds. His revitalizers heal all nearby friendly units for 2% of their total life per second over 30s (4% per second when upgraded). Nikara heals a nearby friendly unit for 30 HP per second (no energy cost), and when fully upgraded can heal two units simultaneously for 60 HP per second each. Her reinvigorating burst ability heals all nearby friendly units for 200 life plus another 100 life over 10 seconds (on a 30s cooldown, or 20s cooldown with P1) - this is doubled to 400 + 200 health when upgraded. Like all Terrans Tychus also has SCVs which can repair mechanical units and structures. Total points = 83 (as long as you pick both Rattlesnake and Nikara, which admittedly is rare - without Nikara he drops down to B tier with 35 points)

So what have I learned from this exercise? I'm amazed at the sheer variety of different healing abilities there are in coop, just another demonstration of why coop is such a great mode. I'd be interested to hear what people think of my points system and ranking. Have I forgotten any abilities? How would you rank the commanders?

Edit: added a few things I'd forgotten thanks to several comments!