Someone destroyed my ship at Yela bunker mission. I got crime stat and went to prison.

So for whatever reason I haven't really done bunker missions before. Decided I'd buy a Pisces Rescue and try one out. Naturally I took the only one near ArcCorp. Took me to Yela to (I think) that crimestat clear bunker? Anyways, after killing all of the hostile's per the mission, except one that was glitched out, I spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how to kill that last one. Apparently melee works on the poltergeist NPC's that eat bullets for breakfast. Yay!

Next, I exit the facility and there's a Connie sitting there over the hill blasting my ship... Turrets doing literally nothing. I wait a bit and go check on it. Destroyed... Yet somehow there's like 3 random ships in the area abandoned. Probably players died? I dunno. Haven't played a ton between like 3.13 and 4.0, so not sure what's up with things now days except what I've absorbed in 4.0. So I am stranded. There's a Mustang that looks fine but can't do much with it. Then there's another Pisces Rescue right there in front of the facility entrance. But that one's locked up. There's an Avenger flipped upside down but intact with its cargo hold open. I manage to get in. All good. I enter seat... Mistake.. I guess I've never tried doing this before so didn't know. But I guess I was immediately flagged for a crime for "stealing" a ship? Anyways, the turrets lit me up and I died and went to prison with a level 2 crime stat..

Obviously this isn't a polished system by any means. But the way the crimestat works is pretty awful. I was literally the victim of a criminal. Said criminal in a huge ship not 1KM from several turrets obliterated my ship and did nothing. I'm literally doing a lawful mission there. I just saved this base from bad guys! But when I get into a ship that should probably be free to take because it's abandoned, the crimestat system goes into action to label me a criminal and then the turrets that didn't even shoot at the criminal player blasting my ship as I saved that literal base obliterates me. Now I'm stuck in the broken prison system.

Yeah, yeah. Alpha. I know. But wtf is this even? How is it supposed to work? Was this a trap someone left to grief people? Do lame people really just sit outside known mission bunkers to grief them? I am pretty ignorant to the way of things these days. Just been playing AC and scraping panels for the last month and checking out Pyro cause missions are all broken garbage ATM, at least for me. This was the first mission I managed to complete of any kind.. And then this happens!

Just curious now about the behavior of pirates/criminals and griefer types now days. If they are regularly over at these bunkers preying on people like that, I'm going to have a bounty huntin' party. A Connie? If I didn't end up in prison I'd have ben back over there at lit that bitch up. Would be so satisfying just lighting up griefers all day long. I am fairly confident I'll win all those fights. Haven't run across a lot of particularly great PU pilots in PVP. Been playing plenty of AC and let me tell you, a concerted effort to learn flying HOSAS and even basic flight combat maneuvers is a massive advantage over most people.

Anywho, sort of a rant, sort of just commentary. What happened to me just now, that is the Star Citizen experience for you. Every session is a bizarre adventure.

That is all. Stay classy, folks.