Does Stalker 2 do literally ANYTHING better than SoC other than graphics?
I’d like to hear some opinions from people who think that literally any aspect of Stalker 2 is better than the last official stalker release in SoC.
Please name what it is because I can’t find it. Gunplay? Worse. Mutants? Worse AI and barely expanded the mutant list by what, two new types? Artifacts are the same or worse. The dialogue is the same or worse. Lighting/flashlight is worse. Interactions with NPC is objectively worse, you have one option to talk to every NPC that isn’t a quest NPC “what’s new in the zone” which makes it utterly pointless to talk to anybody since the developers decided to lazily make them repeat and voice lines. Every single NPC may as well be the same person with their dialogue set changing based on the faction they are in.
So again, anybody who thinks that Stalker 2 is actually an improvement in ANY WAY other than graphically, please tell me what it is that I’m missing?