Stalker 2 changed my gaming life
"The zone shows who you realy are"
So for about two years started losing interest in gaming as a whole. Played this and that, but never finishing a game more than 70%. They werent bad games by any means they just didint make feel purpose/responsibility, like you as player as main character is meant enact those acts portrayed in the games story. "Meant" because it feels like acting because story is created/dramatised/fictionalised events that are just that: acting. Some acting felt good, excellent, or sometimes just down horrendous, and it supposed to be so, or is it? We all chose what we like, love or adore, but lately it has been difficult to find something i atleast enjoy, like truly enjoy and not just for gameplay or visuals. While todays gaming world is so oversaturated with similar ideas and opinions or ideologies, it is hard to find something to adore and immerse yourself when everything feels like a reskin of something else. Felt like everything is just a blank grayish canvas full of half-baked ideas and games that were afraid to be "something", afraid of stepping out of their comfort bubble. Friend brought me to this game with a words: what do you have lose, just try. So i did and at first it was kinda slow, but then just not at any particular moment it just clicked and it was like thunder, like pillar of light, like sonic boom, like that big sip of water at three am, you get the picture. It was so refreshing, found myself really enjoing the world, the main character, the story, the stupid jokes at the campfires, the atmosphere, the punch to the gut feeling after fights, the random photos of people scatered through the world (of developers i think), the despair, the thrill and rage of artifact hunting (stop moving you little shit), all of it, i love all of it because this game makes me feel. No other game has moved me so since Metro and rdr2. Was constantly out of ammo, people fucking me up like that guy that gives shit advice and if you call him out he will give a stash location with an actual advice int it, but i will not spoill it. Npcs feel like actual people instead of blank bullet meat bags (most of the time, they have their moments), developed a motto: shoot only if shot upon, help fellow stalkers/freedom/duty sometimes exept ward fuck those guys, and in the end the game gives you seriuos food for thought: who is correct, what is truth, can there be goodness found in the zone, do i want the short end of the stick even if i save the zone (i havent finished the game yet, just have an inkling). Im so happy