Why does spirituality sometimes feel like another rigid system?

I’ve been reflecting on my spiritual journey and something doesn’t sit right with me. I understand that we have the power to create the life we want, that abundance is within us, and that emotions (even negative ones) can be used as a "cheat code" for manifestation. But if that’s true, why does it still feel like I have to work for something?

At times, spirituality feels like another set of rules: "Do this, be this, think this way, and you’ll manifest what you desire." It starts to feel like religion, where I’m told to follow certain steps rather than explore freely. But freedom is one of my core values, and I don’t want to feel boxed into yet another belief system.

If I truly am abundant, why does it still feel out of reach? If I am in the right place, why do I still feel the need to move into a different energy? Shouldn’t spirituality feel more natural instead of like a formula to get things right?