There’s a recent misogynistic trend on the INFJ sub that’s about elevating INFJ women as "not like the others" and acting as if non-INFJ women are a monolith. I have seen multiple posts about it and endless comments degrading non-INFJ women.

I’m not even female and this post PISSED ME OFF. Like yeah INFJs saying some bullshit like "we’re so rare and special therefore more valuable than others" is annoying, but them actively feeding the sexist logic that "all women are one and the same" while elevating themselves as the exception is so pathetic. I used to joke that r/infj is the r/notliketheothergirls of MBTI, but now is it really a joke anymore? That post got over 300 upvotes. That whole sub is post after post of "we are so different and better", each one more egregious than the last. The MBTI community is rotten and it gets worse the more people discover it. I feel like the amount of insane people outnumber the reasonable ones. It makes me sick. When it’s not people idealizing manipulation, it’s people perpetuating actual incel/femcel rhetoric UNIRONICALLY.

(Didn’t bother to screenshot all the comments to save myself from throwing up.)