Decided to pee in a condom and might have hurt myself. Help?

I have Impulse control is a big problem sometimes. I recently bought some snug condoms. I'm Irish. Better fit, safer sex right? I was in bed jerkin it as one does on a Wednesday night and decided to try one on. Fantastic fit, highly recommend. Jerked with it for about a minute and got bored. At this point I'd been edging quite awhile and kinda needed to pee so I went to the bathroom. I've always wanted to try seeing if I could fill a condom like a water balloon and what better time to do so than now, with this beautifully tight and sealed condom. I went over to the shower, stepped in, put the condom back on and let her rip. The condom was mostly deflated and airless, but not completely. There was also a fair bit of precum that made it's way out first. The condom started inflating and pretty quick I felt a bit of a burning sensation and noticed that the tight condom was tough to fill / was maybe fighting the pee back inside. I increased the flow pretty hard, burnt a bit still but nothing crazy, about the same as getting some hand lotion down there while spankin it. I soldiered on, looked down and saw little roped of precum getting tossed around in the urine deluge. I also noticed an air pocket around the tip of my dick and thought that looked neat. At this point the burn turned to more of a sting and i decided this might be a dumb idea so I pinched off the condom to prevent backflow when I let up my fire hose. The condom was nice and honeydew melon sized at this point. Millions of little degenerate descendant floating around, destinies snuffed out in a 1AM kink attempt. That's when I noticed the first bit of red on my hand. "Oh weird, I must've touched something, shampoo maybe?" Nope. Blood. Saw a few drips hit the shower floor as I climbed out so I looked down in time to see a fat red drop fall out of the tip. Panicked a bit and stepped back into the shower. More faster drips. Burning decently but not unbearable. I still had some pee left from quitting early so I let 'er rip a little bit. Burnt pretty good, not comfortable. A dark red stream of blood comes out the end of my dick onto the shower floor. Some residual drips after. Shocked me enough that I staggered back like I'm trying to run away from my own bleeding dick. The bleeding stopped pretty fast. I'd probably say 2 teaspoons full, maybe half a tablespoon. I was too scared to try peeing again until a few minutes later and when I did the burn was back but no additional blood. The burn persisted to bedtime where I was in full anxiety attack mode. This morning I woke up, wished it was a dream but knew it wasn't. Went about my day, dull burning but nothing big. Later on I peed, no blood. Later I needed to poop pretty bad. Pushed a bit hard to pee while I was pooping and when I got up, more blood in the toilet in a nice line from where little man was hanging down. Again the bleeding stopped pretty quick and I was able to pee normally, albeit a bit of a burn after. Should I be going to the Dr. immediately tomorrow or is this just a urethra scratch that will heal? The burn appears to be somewhere internal along the shaft. No recent sex partners, the condoms were a hopeful measure.