Constantly comparing myself (19f) to beautiful women.
It's my BIGGEST confidence killer. I constantly compare myself to beautiful women, women with amazing bodies, women who have the perfect bf/husband, or women who just have the ideal life in general. My life in comparison, is mediocre & boring, I would give myself a 3/10 for looks, & my body is probably not attractive to most men & I'm single & celibate by choice. I go the gym frequently to change the body that I hate, I take care of my skin & body, & I'm looking for a job right now. I hate the fact that I compare myself to all of these beautiful women, but I have nothing else to measure my progress to. I often feel like none of my achievements will ever be as good as all of these phenomenal women on social media & in real life. And I have a hard time getting help because I believe it's no one else's problem but MY OWN. I know it's my own problem, and that no one has to reassure me for my own insecurities. I just wanted to vent here.