did I waste my life

Yup. I'll be turning 28 end of April and I'm still a virgin. Never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl yet. I feel like I wasted my life. I never really went out and played too much video games and now I realize I regret it. I finally started going out recently and putting myself out there at clubs and bars and I notice I'm getting smiles or even catching girls staring at me. I even got called ''cute''. This whole time, I thought maybe I was ugly, too short and unattractive, but I'm starting to see otherwise. I do have a babyface that still makes me look 19. I kinda want to hookup with 18-22 year old girls cause I never got that at that age. I wanna have a ''hoe phase'' for a bit. I don't care if that makes me sound immature. I deserve to have the fun I missed out on because I was too insecure. Maybe it's not too late for me and I was just in my own head too much...