Prince Albert Crime Stats Down in 2024
Last week the PA Police released their monthly* crime statistics. Although it’s gotten very little media focus, crime, including violent crime (-11%), property crime (-18%) and traffic violations (-21%) are all down from previous years. Total number of arrests (-22%) are also way down. Calls for service meanwhile are down about ~5%. In general it seems as though crime is going down.
Of the approximately 60 metrics recorded by police, crime was down or the same in about 43 of them.
Some interesting exceptions: •impaired driving/ test refusal is up 21%. I assume this relates to new mandatory breathalyzing laws and non-sensical cannabis testing laws. •criminal harassment up 41%, alcohol violations up 98%, intoxicated in public up 215% (again I assume these are related) •provincial statute violations up 247% from 15 last year to 52. Anyone know what that means?
TLDR: crime seems to be down in pa minus those related to intoxication and harassment, which likely relates things like the fact we don’t have a shelter.
Is this a similar phenomenon in other locations in the province?