Strength & Mobility Exercises

This may sound like a complaint, but today I hit my breaking point. I signed up for Runna because it incorporated strength and mobility into training, and those were two things I am lacking.

I’m almost at the end of my plan and I really enjoyed the running. But omg the strength training is monotonous. I never want to do a step out to plank position or bear crawl again. There doesn’t seem to be any variety. Does it get better in a new plan?

And then the mobility is just meh and they need to work on their sound. It’s like they recorded while in a tin can. I’d like to see more stretches and less yoga flow - but that’s a me thing.

Maybe it’s just me, but I actually dread strength training because it’s the same boring exercises each week. And I echo the others who want to be able to choose what equipment they have access to on a given day.