What made you guys quit runescape (take a long break) the first time.

I will start with my story. I remember stealing creations had just came out as I got my ancient magicks. was playing with summoning a bit. started dominating stealing creations, getting volatile clay stuff than came the wilderness shutdown wich I was none the wiser of the ins and outs I was 16 years old or so. Than came a big mile marker I started grinding out hard for my first God sword a bandos God sword. I was killing dragons doing slayers tasks selling bones tanning hides really going for it. Went with the classic fighters torso N helm Dragon boots and dragon legs and I finally got my BGS off the grand extange! I was so proud of it until one guy said follow him into these strange portals in the wilderness. I thought "dumbass doesn't know about unsafe wilderness being shut down" he dropped a cash stack and like an idiot I fell for the bait thinking nothing of the ominous red portal I went through in the wilderness and the depration of getting my cash stack back up. I was frozen by a hidden mage and taken out quick by the dude who lured me and his mage friend. I lost everything and I was so pissed off that I was so stupid I quit. Years later I picked back up the game and I am slowly getting level 99 everything loving necromancy wich I got to level 99 I am way passed gwd1 and I am bossing gwd2 loving the new skill based combat where you must guard and dash out of the way etc. It was such a heart break at the time but if I didn't quit I probably wouldn't have gotten my first girlfriend and had real world milestones.