She just wanted "time"

First post here so I apologize for any formst mistakes.

Almost a week ago my[M23] gf[F22] texted me while I was out of town telling me thay she was anxious about me being away and cheating and needed time to think things through. We had been together for almost a year now, with our regular ups and downs but nothing major.

This morning, through a mutual friend, I found out that she's meeting with one of her closest friends with whom she tried to have a relationship a 2 or 3 years ago and whose text messages I found in December. She explained she was feeling lonely and that he was jusy a good friend as she I already knew. Igot into twitter, her primary social media as she made her IG profile private, and she's been planning to meet her for at least a week and uploding images that suggest that they're starting something together.

I'm pretty aure things are over between us and that her asking me for time was just a way to break up with me but here is were my problem is. I can't stop thinking about her, every time it jusy brings me shivers and nausea, makes me want to throw up. I don't know what to do, I've already gathered most of the things she gave me to either give them back or dump them but it just feels terrible to know that shes saying things to him thag she once meant for me.

I've tried keeping myself distracted with school and work but it is just not cutting it. Do you have any other advice that has helped you or people you know get over an ex?

TLDR: exgf asked me for time to start a new relationship and I just can deal with it.