Best advice for someone looking to fix lifelong gut issues

Hello, I've been researching a lot about fixing my health, came across the work of Peat and one thing I've come to realise is I have terrible gut health, and have had for basically all my life.

I believe that my poor gut health is leading to my body not absorbing nutrients correctly which is leading to health problems

The symptoms that have led me to believe I have gut issues are;

-Constant indigestion/heart burn -Bloating -Poo is a bristol stool 5/6 -Bad IBS -Bad acne -Frequent acid reflux -Stomach pains

I try to eat as much of a Peat style diet as possible, and I've tried many things but nothing seems to cure my gut, has anyone here had a similar experience and if so what helped you fix your gut?

Will appreciate all and any bit of help🙏