Some observations 10 DPO/dpici

Hi it's me again, feeding my delusions!

Not necessarily looking for opinions on whether I'm pregnant or not, just journaling how I've felt since my insemination!

Since 6dpo I've had on and off backaches and nausea.

8dpo I had some mild cramping and twinges of light pain in my pelvic area.

Today at 10dpo I have some nausea but ravenous hunger and my boobs are sore on and off. Tested last night and this morning with FRER. the dye seemed to fixate in the test area, as if it was going to be positive, for a few seconds before washing away. I have no idea what that means. Looks negative now but it really got my hopes up!

Just had blood drawn for a beta because I have zero patience. This is my first TWW and it's been really anxiety inducing. I'll have my results in 24 hours.

I see so many posts on Reddit and on various TTC forums where people test positive at like 8 or 9dpo. I don't understand! Is it genuine or did they miscalculate ovulation? Either way it's disappointing to be getting questionable negatives at 10dpo when others get such early positives. I hope I'm not out just yet.

Last part of this post was a bit of a rant, lol. If you read the whole thing, thank you!