Our medical system sucks
6 weeks 4 days here. I’m pretty sure my iron is low because I’ve been extremely dizzy, lightheaded, cold hands/feet, some labored breathing, and feeling like I’m going to pass out even when sitting down at times. All the classic symptoms of iron deficiency (I was vegan a few years ago and experienced the same thing when I didn’t take my iron pills so I know what it feels like).
For context, I’m on the very last day of an antibiotic for a mild UTI (doc said they wouldn’t even have treated it if I weren’t pregnant). I can’t take the iron and antibiotic at the same time. I was planning on toughing it out and waiting until the antibiotics were done to start the iron, but I came eerily close to passing out this morning (lost my hearing - this always happens to me right before I collapse). So I wanted to see if I can forego the last dose of antibiotics and start on the iron now.
I called my OB hotline to ask if I’m allowed to start taking the pills since my symptoms are so severe. They told me they can’t give me any advice/information since they haven’t seen me yet. I’m like hmm…. It’s almost like you guys should’ve let me come in before the 10 week mark!!
I truly don’t understand why pregnant women are made to go through most of the first trimester alone when it’s supposedly the most difficult time of pregnancy. I understand holding off on a sonogram, but I feel like bloodwork and a simple consultation isn’t too much to ask for? Is this normal or should I seek out a new OB? I’m feeling very frustrated and not sure what to do next.