How did you know labor started?

When and how did you know labor had started? How was the pain and how long were you in denial?

Currently 37 weeks and 2 days. Had false labor contractions at 34w6d, was told to rest to try my best to make it to 37w. These felt like Braxton Hicks but incredibly more painful so they hooked me up to the monitor and confirmed they were real contractions. They subsided after I relaxed and took a shower, also I was not dilated.

Baby is head down since 28w, and has dropped since 34 weeks, I feel her in my pubic bone and hip bones.

I’ve been having a lot of pelvic pain to the point where I can barely walk.

At 36weeks I was still not dilated.

Since Sunday the pain is worse, it feels like period cramps on my lower belly but it will only last for 20 seconds tops and then it mellows down never really going away.

Since yesterday, I cannot walk, I’ll trigger more painful cramps instantly when taking more than a couple of steps.

I’m so confused as to if this is real labor or not…

I can still talk through the pain, although i do hold my breath for a few seconds while it peaks. There is no discernible pattern to it also 😭