Large Choroid Plexus Cysts

Hi everyone! Sharing a positive outcome after a finding of two large choroid plexus cysts.

My husband and I went to our 20 week anatomy scan and were so excited.

The tech went to go get the doctor to confirm we were all set, but the doctor ended up coming back into the room with her. We do our ultrasounds at an office that has specialists on site, so thankfully we didn’t have to wait for an appointment.

The doctor was silent for what felt like 2 hours (it was probably 3-5 minutes) as he examined my baby on the ultrasound. At the end he asked how old I was and asked me to confirm my NIPT results were (negative for everything). He then told me that the baby had two choroid plexus cysts that needed follow-up because of their size. Anything under 1 cm (10 mm) they normally wouldn’t even mention, because these appear in 1-2% of healthy pregnancies but because mine were “quite large” they needed to be followed up on in 4 weeks. One was 1.96 cm (19.6 mm) and I do not remember the size of the other one but it was smaller than that.

He reassured me that he wasn’t “very concerned” but hearing something other than “wow this baby is perfect” was scary! Of course I immediately took to doctor google and Reddit, where I both made myself feel better and worse. I learned that it was soft market for trisomy 18 or that unresolved large cysts could impact brain development. At the same time, there were many people who have posted about their baby having had these and being fine…although usually they were much smaller (usually under 1 cm).

Fast forward to today, four weeks later, and the cysts are gone. Baby is fine. All is well.

I posted this just in case someone comes here in the future looking for a positive outcome following a large choroid plexus cyst (or cysts) being found on their babies brain.

Lots of love to all for healthy pregnancies!!