Can you see the faint line too?

Hi all, I am 33 years old and I am currently 6DPO but have been 'feeling' pregnant since day 1. I have been nauseous, exhausted, my face has broken out in hormonal acne (haven't had this since I was a teen) I have been experiencing a tingling kind of dull cramp and have had spotting. I have been waiting out the the TWW but yesterday I just really wanted to know. I figured, if I am pregnant it would be amazing to know early and if it's negative maybe it's just too early to know and I'll test next week when my period is late. Either way I had to know. So I took a test yesterday and ow and behold I tested yesterday with the Clear blue 'early detection ' test and saw a very faint blue line and was ECSTATIC! But I read the that red dye tests are better so waited till today and tested again with First response and saw another faint line. But now I am second guessing myself and what I can see and if there really is a faint line there at all? Can you all help? Please help

Hi all, I am 33 years old and I am currently 6DPO but have been 'feeling' pregnant since day 1. I have been nauseous, exhausted, my face has broken out in hormonal acne (haven't had this since I was a teen) I have been experiencing a tingling kind of dull cramp and have had spotting. I have been waiting out the the TWW but yesterday I just really wanted to know. I figured, if I am pregnant it would be amazing to know early and if it's negative maybe it's just too early to know and I'll test next week when my period is late. Either way I had to know. So I took a test yesterday and ow and behold I tested yesterday with the Clear blue 'early detection ' test and saw a very faint blue line and was ECSTATIC! But I read the that red dye tests are better so waited till today and tested again with First response and saw another faint line. But now I am second guessing myself and what I can see and if there really is a faint line there at all? Can you all help? Please help