Discrepancy in glucometer results.

I've been using my glucometer for a while and it seemed accurate. One day last week I did my fasting test and it showd 9.9 which shocked me as I ate really well and early the previous day. I checked again to be sure and it showed 5.6 and a third test showed 6.3. I've tested a few times again doing 3 tests and each test within seconds of eachother show different results. Today is was 6.5, 5.3, 5.7. Each time I wash my hands and use a new blood drop for each. I'm curious if this is normal and the glucose levels vary from different fingers? Also, it's not a huge difference in numbers usually but 5.7-6.5 can be a bit confusing. I haven't had another result as wild as the 9.9 but I contacted support for my device and received the control test substance which didn't make a difference. I spent about 45min talking to support to get their answer and really don't want to go through that again. Any suggestions or reasoning?