Looking suggestions for a historical creepy podcast for Halloween season

This might be a little too specific, but I’m looking for an investigative podcast about a creepy, eerie, historical event, place, person, etc. Nothing about well known serial killers like Ted Bundy, etc. I’m a little burnt out on that stuff. I’d like something involving actual history or even folklore that ties into history and how certain cultural aspects or events influenced folklore, vice versa. I’m open to paranormal legends/events as well. Nothing about demonic possessions, though.

Some of my favorite creepy podcasts are Lore and Astonishing Legends, but both of these podcasts’ quality has dipped within recent years, unfortunately. I’ll listen to an anthology show like these where it’s different topics for each episode, but at the moment I might prefer a limited series podcast that only covers one topic.

For instance, I have found a couple of podcasts that cover the Salem Witch Trials, but they didn’t really hold my attention as well. I think it would be great if I found a show that followed one real person living through the Trials. I’m open to any podcast covering any witch trials in the USA and outside of it and covering witchcraft throughout history.

Basically, I’m looking more for a podcast that’s in the same vein as something like The Lolita Podcast but spooky. I love history and creepy things, and I’d like something new to listen to this year for Halloween instead of relying on the aforementioned Lore and Astonishing Legends.