Expanded Mega Evolution Card Interaction?

Yeah, I’m one of the six people who still play in Expanded. With that being said, there are a handful of cards from the XY era that interact with “Mega Evolution Pokémon,” with some examples notably being Mega Turbo and Mega Catcher. The new cards revealed call themselves “Mega Evolution Pokémon ex,” so I’m wondering if the official rulings will draw a line and say that the effects don’t work with each other. It’d be a shame though, because the XY era had a healthy mix of Mega support and counters that would be fun to mess around with! It could also help dethrone stuff like Regidrago and Lugia from being the heavyweight champions of the format.

On that note, Regidrago in Expanded will probably get to be even more diabolical with whatever Dragon-type Mega ex cards they print…