Is Slowking as scary as it looks post-rotation? Or is it just a gimmick?

For those unaware, Slowkings attack for 2 energy lets you mill the top card of your deck and use the attack from a non-rule box Pokémon that was milled. Common attackers are: KYUREM, Regigigas, Annihilape, Conkeldurr. What’s scary about this deck is that it can abuse Kyurem easier and more consistently than Regidrago, and with Rabsca being the only bench protection, The deck can consistently take six prizes in two turns, either by knocking out six weenies, or setting up a 6-prize turn on three ex’s. Thankfully the critical bite Crobat is rotating, or else Budew would be a 3-prize liability.

What do you all think? Gimmicky inconsistent deck, or potential top performer?