Honest advice for a Canadian wanting to pursue physiotherapy?
Please share anything you wish you knew before starting this career.
I have an undergrad in the arts, and looking to switch careers, can you please let me know the pros and cons?
I am based in the east coast Maritimes, and it appears as though a high end working as a physiotherapist is $80k (source), I don't think this is a bad thing, but I worked at a large corporation in Design and made more than that, no big deal though. I'm not in it to become rich, my passion is helping people cause I feel as though I've been given a talent with bodies, which sounds weird, but it's true.
I also understand this transition from Design and Technology will be long and time consuming and expensive. That is fine.
Can you please let me know any potential other downsides besides income potential? Like will I be working in a more clinical environment? Will I mostly be helping old people?
I just want to get a better gauge of pros/cons.
Please share anything you wish you knew before starting this career.