Call of Duty Uses AI-Generated Assets Without Disclosure, Violating Steam's Policy on AI Content

I recently noticed what looks like AI-generated artwork being used in Call of Duty for various in-game visuals, like calling cards, emblems, loading screens, and prestige icons. What's strange (and a bit frustrating) is that there’s no mention of this on Steam, even though Valve has a policy requiring disclosure of AI-generated content.

To highlight what I mean, I’ve put together an Imgur album showing a few examples where the use of generative AI is pretty obvious.

Using SteamDB's search to look up games that have filled out Steam's AI content survey, I found that Call of Duty is notably absent from the list. Specifically, neither the Call of Duty Launcher store page nor the Black Ops 6 store page appears to include any AI usage disclosures. (If you click any of the games on that list and scroll to the bottom of the store page you can see what the disclosure looks like.)

Edit: This post is not making any commentary on AI art, hold whatever opinion you want. I just noticed it being used in COD and saw there was not any disclosure on the steam page, which is against valves policy.