Reality of Earnings & Marriage in Pakistan

💰 Income Distribution in Pakistan:

  • Average income: 3.8 lakh per year (32k per month)
  • Bottom 50%: 1.2 lakh per year (12-13k per month)
  • Middle 40%: 2.6 lakh per year (22k per month)
  • Top 10%: 13 lakh per year (1 lakh per month)
  • Top 1%: 1.2 crore per year (10 lakh per month)
  • Top 0.001% (~2,400 people): 45 crore per year (Lumber one)

What This Means for Women Seeking Marriage

🔹 Pakistan's male population is 50.9%, while females make up 49%.
🔹 20% of men (~2.4 crore) are unmarried.
🔹 35% of women (ages 15-49) have never been married (~3.85 crore).

💡 The Issue? Many women prefer to marry a man earning at least 1 lakh per month, which means they are looking for the top 10% of unmarried men (~24 lakh men).

But here’s the harsh truth:
📌 Maybe 3 crore women are competing for 24 lakh men who earn 1 lakh/month.
📌 That’s a ratio of 12.5 women for every 1 such man!💀

And it’s getting worse—many women now seek men earning 2-3 lakh per month, making the pool even smaller. Yea i know no one wants to marry their daughters with a broke so its just for information

A Reality Check

If your husband or future husband earns 1 lakh per month, you are already in the top 10% of the country—consider yourself lucky!

The Big Question

With this massive gap, how do we deal with this situation? Should expectations change? Should financial growth be a priority for men? Or is there another way forward?

Forgive me if I made any mistakes. I read a few articles and watched some videos—this is a rough estimate, but it's close to reality. I might be off by 10-15%.

Sources: CEIC Data