Don't know if this counts
J1 ($28) is a remote help desk night shift position. J2 ($17) is what-a-burger at the dfw airport. Just received word that J3 ($34) remote system maintenance will be sending an offer on Monday. So excited because I will be able to pay off my debt and pay for schooling. Should be done with debt by may. Going to be slowing down on j2 and try to find a high earning saving account to direct deposit the money into. I'm so excited and wanted to share it with this community because I read others stories for motivation.
I understand everyone saying let go of what-a-burger but they pay $17, they pay you just to walk to the terminal(so you're getting paid before you even clock in), I also get any tips they give at the pin pad, last but not least the manager works with my schedule if I want to work one day or 3hrs a day he changes it for me. But again I'm going go see how I manager thd new job and decide from there.