The Simple Rules of OE

I think it'd be helpful to level set on some rules with OE. I frequently see posts about what to do, how to do it, etc. This post isn't to cover how to get into OE. That is as simple as applying for a job, getting a new job, then not quitting your old job. Boom! You're now OE.

OE at a base level is easy. Just follow these simple rules.

Be present. This is self explanatory. Keep your head in the game and make sure people see you doing so especially when you're off camera.

Communicate. Let people know when you're blocked, reach out for help when you need it, and offer help if someone else needs it.

Be responsive. Answer your emails and pings when you receive them. Set the communication software up on your phone.

Show up to your meetings. Don't miss any meetings that are scheduled on your calendar. Sometimes you will have overlap, reschedule when you can. Make sure you block out time on each calendar for recurring meetings between Js.

Be pleasant and polite. People like pleasant folk. The more people like you, the better chance you have of them not noticing when you slip.

Finish your tasks when you say you'll finish them. Don't drag shit out, make excuses, or put off blame. Sometimes you may work late. In my experiences, a 50 hour work week isn't uncommon. But I'm getting 2 full paychecks, so I'll deal with it. Your mileage may vary.

Don't set extreme deadlines, either too close or too far. Being too bold and taking on too much work in order to look good will screw you over when you eventually burn out, and you will burn out. Taking on too little work makes you look like a bum.

Don't be a rockstar, a martyr, or a diva. These people get noticed. Quite often some people don't like these types. Don't be one of these people.

Be a professional. You were hired for a job, do that job. Don't over achieve but don't be a dirt bag. It makes you and the rest of us look bad. That's how articles are made where they're talking about identifying, hunting, and recognizing people who might be OE.

How you go about achieving these goals depends on your Js. I found at mine that this requires 2 independent set ups in order to operate efficiently. It made context switching between jobs easier as well as ensuring my communication wasn't goofed between jobs. Some people can get away with KVM switches and single equipment setups. Identify how your jobs work and adjust accordingly.

As someone who has been OE to some degree (mostly did oddball contracts, freelancing, etc.) since 2019 and full OE (2+ FTE jobs at the same time) since 2021, ignore the folks promoting a churn and burn mentality. Going for the long haul has benefited me so much more than burning through jobs. I've gotten solid experience in new technology and processes that could never have been achieved without being OE. But those took time to learn. It's made me far more effective in my other job and in future roles.

All that being said, there are 2 additional rules that are absolutely crucial to your success.

The first is, Shut Up. Not just about OE but in general. People love talking more than they like listening, so let them talk. Practice active listening. Giving confirming phrases that you understood what they're talking about and making simple conversation will go miles farther than you talking too much.

The second is, Always Be Interviewing. You never know when a great role is going to come your way. Don't miss it. On the morbid side, you never know when you'll be laid off. You may suspect it, but it'll still surprise you.

So don't get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, but also don't get caught with your pants down. And for the love of whatever you believe in, don't get caught at both.