Ottawa, we need to talk about public transit usage...

Just saw the Report on Quality of Life in European Cities ( and this little graph is an eye-opener:

People using public transport in European cities on a typical day, top and bottom 10 scores

Now, I obviously do NOT expect Ottawa to come close to the top 10, but the fact that we're among the LOWEST 10 scores in using public transit (11.2%?? is kind of a shock to me. I also read that the number has dropped from around 20% in 2016, which makes the situation such that we're decreasing usage. That's not even trying numbers. How is it that a city of bureaucrats and enginerding types can't figure out a better approach to solving this problem? I love driving, but I hate starting my car up in the winter, and I hate the damage the roads are causing it but the unfortunate situation is that - even with the construction blocking lanes on the 417 - it takes 1/3 or 1/4 the time to get even remotely close to my work when driving by car.

Have we just completely given up on this? It doesn't help that OC Transpo announces changes and reductions to service without warning, let alone consulting their clients (perhaps they interview a handful of riders, but there certainly doesn't seem to be much in the way of general public involvement in the way buses are scheduled) and it doesn't help that we have a kind of schizophrenic issue with train/bus service, but there must be some way to improve the experience and increase ridership. Hell, even WiFi on board.

Anyway, the numbers in the Euro poll highlight how desperate our situation vis a vis public transportation has become. Apparently, we need smarter and more creative people on this, because at this rate, we soon won't have any usage whatsoever.

Edit: but of course, there are downvotes, because.

Regardless, I don't mean for this to be merely a rant post, I think that on this very forum (probably you, reading this right now), are people who are incredibly smart, creative, and resourceful, and I'm calling for action on putting together some kind of plan to help fix this shit. Not in a "let's protest" kind of way, but something like:

  1. figuring out the most cost-effective ways of solving 90% of the biggest problems right now (even if the other 10% suffer for a while?)
  2. figuring out a path towards higher usage and adoption
    1. what are the biggest complaints? They need to be taken seriously. Even waiting at a bus stop needs to be talked about.
    2. how to leverage technology to improve everything:
      1. info on when the bus is ACTUALLY going to arrive
      2. info on how many people are waiting at a bus stop
      3. informing riders about what's going on in a more timely way
      4. keeping transit cleaner, safer
  3. PUSH change. I've been to Prague, the service there is incredible... what is our target?

Maybe opening to LRT East will help dampen complaints in the near-term, but what about the West? The South? Our neighbours in Gatineau?