I have cancer
I (17f) have cancer.
I've had ALL for the last few months.
I've done a few rounds of chemo and it all looks good,the odds are good tbh.
None of my friends know,I don't want to tell them,I dropped out of school and have been living in isolation for a while because I don't want to be the kid with cancer.
I feel so tired and sick,fuck cancer
Update:I did not think I would get this much support,this is my first Reddit post ever and I just truly wanted to get it off my chest lol!
My support system is my family,my parents and my siblings and a few kids I've met in hospitals,I will try to talk to some of my friends from school but I do not plan to go back for now,will be doing online.
From the bottom of my heart,thank you,I'm fighting with all I've got and I assure you guys that I will kick its ass!