A little rant about the ENM community (newbies must read)
We have to stop telling people what their relationship should or shouldn’t look like.
I see a lot of newbies here saying for example they want a Unicorn or one partner has certain boundaries that the other one doesn’t or their relationship is hierarchical.
And I feel like lately the ENM community hits them with some sort of version of well that’s not the right way to do polyamory.
The reason I even became a part of the community is because I started to catch feelings for my best friend while she had a boyfriend and I was navigating getting back with my ex wife. To say it was complicated is putting it lightly but within polyamory we were able to find the flexibility and a dynamic that worked for us, even though it looked weird as fuck compared to most monogamous couples but certainly even the ENM community.
5 years later,
Here we are my girlfriend desires more of an emotional connection with her partners but I’m not necessarily comfortable with her sleeping with strangers on the first date.
I don’t have time for emotional connections but love to sleep around every now and then, which my girlfriend prefers.
We are certainly primary partners and this is communicated to our external partners (which they also prefer).
Our goal is not equality but simply that it works for us and the partners involved.
And some of you will try to put a label as to what we are doing like well that’s an open relationship or that’s this but the reality of it is that I don’t know what is within those boxes and certainly a newbie won’t either.
In short: Let’s advocate for people to find what works for their relationships instead of setting a new set of expectations on how their relationship should or shouldn’t look like because it defeats the purpose of leaving monogamy.
P.S mods removed my post from polyamory forum which proves exactly my point, even though their definition of polyamory fell exactly into how I practice relationships🙄