Why exactly is Jalen Willams an all star again?
To start hes averaging 21/5.6/5.2 on 56%TS. These are not all star numbers and there are a multitude of players having better seasons than this who have not made the team, most of which have been mentioned already my media or on here.
Then apparently team record is the decisive factor here, well he must be a large contributor to the best team in the league then? well no, not really.
JDub ON +8
JDub OFF +17.24
Shai is at +16 on, +0 off for reference which is ridiculous. But what about Jdubs minutes without SGA on?
Jalen is +2 without Shai and Shai is +24 without Jalen.
If anything this just solidifies SGAs MVP campaign even more, but makes JDubs all star selection even more ridiculous, the one game he played without SGA, he also shot 7/22....