KEY ending… 😬 Not a Fan
So I only just finished KEY today. I went into it without high expectations, as did many of you. I’ve posted before about my thoughts on KEY so I won’t carry on too much about it here (suffice it to say: I don’t like it very much).
The ending was wack 😂 I appreciate that they tried to do something different with multiple culprits and some “fake” culprits, but I feel like it dragged on and on and ON. It honestly felt to me like most of the game was walking in circles and doing tedious, uninteresting tasks or puzzles and there was no sense of forward momentum, it just seemed like boring task after boring task and then: boom! endgame.
And the endgame was SO LONG and weird. Like every time I thought it was going to end it took a turn and there was another puzzle. Endgame felt like puzzle after puzzle after puzzle and I was at a point where I just wanted it to end. Did anyone else feel this way?
I also feel like there were plot holes and the story was all over the place, so much so that they had to sit you down and do 20min of explanation at the end. (Tbh, I still don’t really know what Lutkari really is, lol 😭)
Idk, I’ve just only seen people saying they like the ending so surely I can’t be the only one who feels this way!