I have SPH-2.75CYL-1.75 on my right eye and SPH-0.50CYL-1.50 on my left. How much screwed am I?

I am 19 and male. Recently i was having trouble seeing far with my right eye. Today i got my eye tested and got these results.

same as the title with axis 30 on right and 150 on left and v/a 6/6 on both.

They said i'll have to re-test my eye power in 6 month because it might get worse. They also said it isn't reversible without sergery or such methods. And now i am really concerned.

How much screwed am i? Will it ever stop getting worse? Is my condition really bad? How do i improve my eyesight? Is it really uncurable?

I saw the poll here and it says its middle grade myopia or something from 3-6. i have -2.75 and -1.75 on my right eye. Does it make -4.50 and is it ok? Or should i be concerned?