Satan incarnate

I have viewed a number of videos about 'The antichrist". Most seem to think this person will receive power and instruction from Satan. Some believe that person would actually be inhabited by Satan.

I think the LDS belief however is that pre-mortal followers of 'Satan" will never have a body. Does that belief also include that Satan can never be born on earth? Is it possible for 'Satan" to be born? I think it is possible, despite LDS doctrine.

An interesting thing that most of the videos mention is the belief that the 'Antichrist' will promise, and actually deliver on some very positive things, like world peace, ending hunger, and elimination of crime. Reading between the lines, Christians seem to fear this a lot, because Christianity has never delivered this on a worldwide basis, not yet. Sometimes I think Christians don't even have those as goals to attain. That kind of puts a different spin on the LDS idea of "by their fruits shall ye know them".

In a rather dystopian film about the 'End times" it depicted Christians basically becoming Criminals in the 'new world order' often teaming up with drug dealers, pimps and the like. And Christians being in a very, very, very small minority. Perhaps only a few hundred people. Also being relegated to gorilla tactics to stay alive and 'free', being rather fugitive. What do you think?