Please help! I keep having severe spasms in my face with strange symptoms after. I don't know what it's from

Every night when I settle in to sleep, I experience these severe facial twitches in my eyes/forehead that won't stop until my eyes open. Normally the symptoms are just that the twitching is painful and i can easily open my eyes for temporary relief. Except, tonight the twitching is painful and hard to physically let go of in order to make it stop. Like I'm physically unable to open my eyes and they're stuck twitching for a few extra seconds before I'm able to open. Not only that, but it feels like for a short period my memory and thought processes are being reset, right as the twitch occurs. I could be thinking sentences in my head, and all of a sudden the words make no sense and it's like im confused. I feel severely off mentally because of this experience, a strange uncomfortable feeling I can't put a finger on. Overall it's a terrifying experience and no provider seems to understand it

Additional info: I get really bad stabbing pains in my head while the twitching happens too. I'm desperate to find the source, the pain I experience is so hard to deal with