Why always reduce someone’s contribution to their stats

(My post is more for duelists and tanks.) Hey hey,

I’ve noticed that many people reduce a player’s contribution solely to their end-of-game stats. (I’m not saying stats don’t provide some information, but in my opinion, there are cases where they don’t tell the whole story.)

To illustrate, I main Black Panther, and in my last game, I ended with around 10 kills (my teammates, Star-Lord and Iron Man, had 20+ kills). They laughed when they saw I only had half their number. But after watching the replay, I’m actually pretty satisfied with my contribution: many times I managed to disrupt the enemy backline, create confusion, and enable my team to push effectively even if I couldn’t fully take down the supports (and yes, I admit, I’m not good enough yet to handle an entire group of supports). And, sure, maybe I did play really poorly, but this isn’t the first time I’ve seen comments like that. It makes me wonder: does a player always need to have a high kill count for their contribution to be considered valuable?

Just to clarify, when I say this isn’t the first time I’ve seen these types of comments, I don’t mean this isn’t the first time I’ve been personally called out. In my case, it was actually the first time so I don’t think that the answer is just that I’m trash (I’m not very good but not trash either).