Anyone else have nerve compression?
My PMBCL mass is/was significant in size at approximately 8x8.5cm. It is large enough and strong enough to have compressed 3 nerves. Of those, my vagus nerve seems kept in check with help from a very low dose of amitriptyline. My phrenic nerve still has my diaphragm paralyzed upward, but that’s not terrible other than my stomach twisting up to fill the void where my lung is collapsed.
BUT, having my left vocal fold paralyzed open the last 4 months has been extremely inconvenient at best. I am finally able to drink water as of a week ago. Pills are always risky to take. My voice is intermittent, hoarse and strained, but I am really glad I can speak again.
I’m about to visit with my oncologist this week—who I’m hoping will consult sidelines with my laryngeal specialist—on timing and necessity of vocal fillers. I understand that the nerves can sometimes spontaneously bounce back.
I’ve learned that the fillers may make it impossible to speak for 2 days to 2 weeks, and that they fade across 2-3 months time.
Scared about taking pills across those 2 days to 2 weeks. And worried I’ll be in a tricky situation again to manage my own care as I tried that without a voice for several weeks while seeking a diagnosis. Keep thinking I’ve got a good thing going now, but in comparison to “before times”, nothing about any of this is optimal.
Do any of you have personal experience with vocal cord fillers? If so, what are some of the questions you would ask having been there/done that? I’m definitely concerned as to how it might dove tail with the last 2 rounds of my DA-R-EPOCH as well.
Anyone else dealing with nerve compression from their PMBCL mass? Feeling a bit alone in this. Hoping for the spontaneous recovery.