S1 Ep13: Bunga and the King Review (Updated)
Episode Description
When Simba and Bunga get trapped in a large sinkhole, the Lion Guard struggle to find a way to rescue them so that the Royal Family can go to Ma Tembo's elephant concert. While in the hole, Simba and Bunga find a tunnel that leads to Nandembo Caverns, and the Lion Guard heads to the cavern entrance along with Timon and Pumbaa in the hopes of meeting them inside. Meanwhile, Simba and Bunga realize that being raised by Timon and Pumbaa is something that they have in common.
Song: "Hakuna Matata"
-First off, I love the worldbuilding in this episode. I think it's fascinating and fun to see more of the celebrations and events in the Pride Lands. In this case, the Royal family going to the Elephants' Rainy Season Concert. It's fascinating to see different animals of the Pride Lands having their own traditions/events. Between "Can't Wait to Be Queen" and this episode, the lions and the pachyderms seem to most going on in their lives, compared to other animals.
-I enjoyed Kion and Kiara's little exchange at the start about wanting to race each other. I always enjoyed watching them interact like real siblings, because, as someone with a sibling myself, I know only too well that kids have a tendency to compete over everything and/or mess with each other. So, I enjoyed their little banter session. I liked that it's a lot friendlier compared to "Can't Wait to Be Queen".
-"Dad, I'm gonna have to miss the Elephants' Rainy Season Concert." Poor cub. I feel bad for Kion because he's taken on so much responsibility at a young age and it's starting to interfere with his social and/or family life. I can't imagine being a 10 year old kid and having to miss out on family traditions. But, in fairness, I admire his hard work and how he takes his new responsibility seriously.
-I like the family moments between Simba, Nala, Kiara and Kion in this episode and how they genuinely feel like a standard nuclear family who are just going to an event together. It's like something I'd see in SpongeBob SquarePants episodes, like "Patrick The Game", "Girls Night Out", "Tea at the Treedome", etc. There's a treat to seeing the Pride Lands' Royal Family just going to a normal event.
-Let's talk about the sinkhole because I wanna give credit where credit's due. In spite of my hatred of Disney trying to mirror Mufasa's Fall in the original film, I did like the first bit of the sinkhole. I thought the animation of the sinkhole was cool and I liked the way they made Simba try to climb up the wall. That was cool animation and I really liked it. I also liked the sinkhole from Nala and Kiara's viewpoint.
-I absolutely love the scene where the Lion Guard hear the sinkhole from a mile away and then they realise Simba's fallen in, and Kion drops everything to make sure his dad is okay. I love these more family-based episodes of the Lion Guard. Kion's family mean more to him than anything and he's very sensitive to them being in danger, so, he stops everything he's doing to go to his mom and sister immediately. I love how Fuli is very understanding about this and assures him they can handle to antelopes.
-"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Lion Guard to the rescue! Zuka Zama!!!" I don't know why, but, I laugh every time I see Bunga just jump straight into the sinkhole like it's nobody's business. I don't mean to harp on about SpongeBob SquarePants, but, does anyone else think of the scene from the first movie where SpongeBob and Patrick jump over the edge of cliff and into a trench without thinking. That's me when I see Bunga. But, also, you can't even be mad at him. He's only trying to help his best friend's dad out and he takes his job very seriously, so, cut him some slack.
-"That was fun!!!" I adore Bunga in this moment. He's like a little version of how Simba used to be, a cheery, playful, fun loving, Hakuna Matata enthusiast and sometimes impulsive guy. But, I love how he's just trying to help Kion rescue his dad.
-"Bunga is fine. My head cushioned his fall." Okay, in spite of my general dislike of TLG Simba, especially in Season 1, that was kinda funny in fairness because Bunga did land on his head. I think that's the first time Simba's made me laugh at this point in the series. I normally don't like him or his attitude, which I'll talk more about later, but, this scene was actually funny.
-"Uh... give ya a boost?" Oh my gosh. Bunga was just adorably idiotic and oblivious. He's pure comic relief in this episode, but, I love him. Pure ADHD/Autism icon. I also dig Simba's look after he said that because it's the classic look a parent gives a child as if to say, "You said something stupid."
-"Sinkholes are fairly common after a big storm, Your Highness." I'm loving these Ono facts in every episodes. But, also was that a reference to The Mbali Fields Migration, the episode directly before this episode where they caught in a rainstorm and a flash flood. I don't know, but, earlier in this episode, Ono mentions the big rainstorm must've caused the mudslide and now, we have a sinkhole. But, I guess this could've been a different rainstorm since Season 1 is during the Rainy Season and all.
-I really love seeing Nala interacting with the other members of the Lion Guard as well as Kion. I love it when she advises them to stay back from the sinkhole to keep them safe. Nala feels like the mom of the entire group, not just Kiara and Kion's mom because she's looking out for everyone's wellbeing. This is also the first episode where we've properly seen Nala's relationship with all the Lion Guard. This is is also the first time we've properly add any Nala and Kion and Kiara moments. I also love how when Fuli saves Kiara from falling into a sinkhole, she smiles and says, "Happy to do it." I feel like these two should've had an episode together as friends. Also, Kiara must feel like a sister to Fuli since Ford Riley, the show's creator, once stated that Fuli views Kion as a brother figure sense it's implied she doesn't have a biological family.
-I really dig Nala and Kiara's dialogue about Simba and Bunga. I love the way Nala said, "Bunga is a good friend and very brave. But, he can be trying." And then Kiara comes in with, "Yeah, as in, Dad's trying not to let Bunga drive him crazy." It was funny because of how it sums up both Simba and Bunga. They're both very much alike in their personalities. They're very impulsive, hot-headed, fun loving, a bit cocky at times, a bit snarky as well, prideful and, as Nala said, stubborn-minded. It's actually a well-known thing that people who are so alike in personalities can either get along swimmingly or totally clash.
-"I know Bunga can be kind of stubborn, but, he's my best friend," I love the way Kion acknowledges that Bunga can be a handful to look after, but, it doesn't stop from ensuring his best friend's safety. Nala also agrees her own hubby can be quite stubborn, but, she's also worried about him. I really love the dialogue between Nala, Kiara and Kion in particular. I feel like Nala's matured significantly into a hardworking, level-headed and responsible family mom, but, Simba's still very immature at times.
-I don't know why, but, I really dig Bunga's ideas for getting out of the sinkhole even if most of them are..... questionable.... I guess." I mean, I feel like some of them could actually work. Simba would theoretically be able to jump out of the hole if given enough space to run, or at the very least, he'd be able to get close to it. I feel like a lion would be able to get close to jumping high enough to get out of the sinkhole, and then climb the rest of the way out. I don't know really, but, I don't think it's a horrible idea on Bunga part and I think Simba should've listened to him more. It could've worked to get Bunga out of the hole at least.
-Also, Bunga is only a child at the end of the day. I'm sure we've all just said the first that pops into our head without thinking when we were young. I know, I've definitely said things impulsively when I was younger that weren't necessarily my ideas. This is one where people are too hard on Bunga, he's still a child after all and so it's understandable that he can be impulsive and not think things through all the time. Also, Timon and Pumbaa tend to blow things out of proportion for him (see "Bunga The Wise"). I think we can forgive Bunga just because he's still a kid and he's learning his role in the Circle of Life, like the rest of the Lion Guard.
-"You and Kiara should go onto the Elephants' Concert. We're already late." In fairness, Simba is being genuinely nice here and kind-hearted. He tells his wife and daughter to leave him behind and uphold the family tradition without him. I can at least admire that he's being genuinely smart here, knowing that he will be late for the concert, but also telling Nala not be too worried about him and go onto the Elephants' Concert in his place. He's also legitimately modest and polite here, knowing that Nala can uphold royal protocol without him in this particular moment.
-"Simba, I'm more worried about you." I also love Nala, and Kiara here. Nala doesn't want to go to the Elephants' Concert, because she's more concerned about her husband and she knows it won't be the same without him there and she wants to help the Lion Guard get him out even if t means being unable to attend royal events. Nala is very in-character here. She's very sweet, caring, kind-hearted, family-oriented and responsible and more concerned about members of her family and knowing the right thing to do is to wait for Simba to rescue, but, also knows not to make the elephants disappointed.
-I really love Kion's idea to tip a tree into the hole for Simba and Bunga to climb up it to get out. It's legitimately a smart and inventive idea. I mean, I know it's simple, but, it's a good idea. But, it's too bad the tree broke upon impact. However, I hope this was dead tree or else a tree which harboured no other animal in it. Also ngl, when I think of why the tree collapsed in the first place, I think it must be because it was a dead tree and had been dead for some time, but, Kion thought that if it was strong enough to pushed around, it would be strong enough for Simba and Bunga to climb. But, yeah, it must've died some time ago, just like the tree in "The Search for Utamu" wasn't able to take Bunga's weight anymore.
-"Good try? You kidding! It's perfect! Look at all the bugs!" I don't know why, but, I just Bunga gorging himself on some grubs. He's pure comic relief. Also, he's earned a treat with all he's been through in this episode. "Hey, look at that! A hole!" I love his adventurous spirit here.
-"And there's a tunnel! It's our way out!" Bunga is legitimately smart here. He technically found their way out. I mean, you Bunga haters can do whatever the hell you want, but, seriously, why else would a tunnel within the Pride Lands just open up randomly unless it was to another underground area of the Pride Lands. Technically, tunnels have to lead somewhere. Also, Bunga's probably been in tunnels before with Timon's family.
-"We do know someone who is an expert at tunnels." I laughed because that is a reference to The Lion King 1 1/2 where we learn a bit more about where Timon came from and his life with his meerkat family, and how he wasn't great at tunnels so he set out to find his dream home where he wouldn't have to dig to be safe from hyenas. It's funny because we all know exactly what's going to happen. Timon is going to get them lost underground, but, Kion would have no reason to know that Timon is actually bad at navigating in tunnels.
-In fact, later on Kion said to Fuli, "I thought Timon could help. Meerkats are supposed to be great in tunnels." Oh what an ironic twist. If only Kion knew what happened the last time Timon was in a tunnel. We all know he's not great at tunnels, but, the irony is funny. Also, I really dig deadpan Ono in this scene, "Timon, Pumbaa, the entrance to the cave is right there. Not exactly inspiring confidence, they?"
-Meanwhile, with Simba and Bunga. I'm glad Simba got nicer and more likable near the end because I really hated his rudeness and his overall bitterness in the middle act. I love it when they start singing "Hakuna Matata" again and how they use it to find each other in the caves. I also love they bond over having bought being raised by a sweet-natured warthog and a sarcastic meerkat when they had nobody else. I love how after all this time, "Hakuna Matata" still means a lot to Simba and he still cherishes all the times Timon and Pumbaa sang it to him in his youth. I really love the scene where Simba and Bunga sing "Hakuna Matata" all the way along. It's a really nice moment between them.
-I actually love it when Simba and Bunga declare each other "brothers" (albeit jokingly) due to being raised by Timon and Pumbaa. It's both adorable and adds a layer of sweetness to "The Search for Utamu", where Bunga was taken in by them when he was all alone and now he has someone whom he bond over being raised by Timon and Pumbaa with and who understands what it's like to feel alone for most your younger days. Simba could be considered Bunga's "adult friend" after this episode.
-"We should think about this. Which way, Your Majesty?" I love the moment where they start to rub off on each other through communicating. Bunga starts to see the importance of stopping, thinking and observing what would be the best solution, while Simba starts to trust Bunga's judgement and believes he can make good, smart decisions and lets him choose which way to go (maybe that and also so they keep singing together for longer). I like that this moment is a turning point for their characters. Simba starts to feel more like he did in the movies and less angry or haughty.
-Meanwhile, with the Lion Guard. I know a lot of people have mixed feelings on TLG Timon and Pumbaa. So fans loved them in the films, but hate them in the series, and some people just love/hate them in the series. I personally understand those people, but, I think they're incorporated into this episode well. This episode is less about them being stupid and blowing a situation out of proportion, like in "Bunga The Wise", and more about them being loving parents to Simba and Bunga and being determined to find them and make sure they are okay. I really love the more family side to them in this episode.
-It think it's really cute how Timon calls Simba and Bunga, "My babies" because it really like a real thing a parent would say to their kid(s). It really more genuine and heart-warming that way and I dig the way he went from not wanting to take care of a child at first, to loving them like they were his own children. I'll admit that Timon was being overly dramatic about the whole situation, but, I'm forgiving of it because these are his adoptive children that he raised since they were very young and I can't imagine being a parent and finding out your kids are in danger. Plus, it really fits with Timon's character to be overly dramatic.
-"My babies are alive!" I genuinely thought it was adorable to see Timon and Pumbaa ecstatic to hear Simba and Bunga's voices and running towards them to make sure their okay. I can't help but think it's cute because that's the sort of reaction every parent/guardian would give as soon as they realised their kids were perfectly safe. It's a cute family moment that I consider underrated. I also love the ending where when Simba and Bunga reunite with and receive kisses from the duo.
-I really love Simba and Bunga's dynamic at the end. It's really sweet the way they finally seeing eye-to-eye and actually listening to one another. I loved the moment where there's a chasm in between them and the rest of the Lion Guard and Simba finally decides to use one of Bunga's ideas to get across. It was a cute moment when Simba offered Bunga a ride across the chasm with them both yelling "Zuka Zama" in unison. It's cute because it's a character arc for both of them, especially Simba. I like that he wasn't the same stick-in-the-mud, jerkass king he was seen as at the beginning of the episode and for large part of Season 1.
-"Did we just see...." "A honey badger riding on top of the king....." I love the reactions coming from the rest of the Lion Guard after this. It's funny that they're all dumbstruck at the idea of Bunga riding on top of a member of the royal family. Fuli must be thinking, "I'm right here, Bunga, why don't you ask me to carry you?" I also love Kion's reaction as well. He just seems really pleased that his father and best friend are getting along. I really love Simba and Bunga's dialogue at the end, "Well, I'll have Zazu check my schedule."
-Meanwhile, at the Elephants' Concert. I love Nala and Ma Tembo's interaction in this scene. I just adore the Royal family's closeness with the elephants of Kilio Valley. Ma Tembo is such a sweetheart and she's so wise. I like seeing the main characters interacting with other Pride Lands' leaders. Her quote about how, "Animals plan and the Savannah laughs," is so sweet and couldn't be further from the truth. Ma Tembo is such a sweetheart and she's so polite, so, I'm glad she ended up having a recurring role in Season 2. Her love her voice actress, Lynette DuPree (R.I.P).
-Finally, Simba, Bunga, Kion and the rest of the Lion Guard. I love the fact that Bunga rode on Simba's back all the way to Kilio Valley and I love that the king seems a lot more relaxed and cheery at this point. I also love Bunga's quote as he bows to Ma Tembo, saying, "Bunga, brother to the king!" It's kind of like Bunga is one of the Royal family now. He should definitely be knighted after this episode!
-I really dig Bunga saying to Kiara, "Just call me Uncle Bunga," but, in a jokey way, because I've always felt like Kion and Bunga were like best friends and brothers, personally, and Bunga definitely has a bit of a crush on Kiara. I also love Simba and Nala's exchange, with Nala being confused and asking, "What exactly happened in that pit?" And Simba replying with, "It was.... quite an adventure." He's gonna have a lot to say to her when they get home (Simba, do not mention the "roaring scene" to your wife.)
-My absolute favourite part and the highlight of the episode is where Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, Kiara, Kion and every member of the Lion Guard, and even some of the elephants are singing Hakuna Matata together in harmony. I just love the fact that Kiara and Kion know about Hakuna Matata and also follow it when they are not working. I like the fact that Simba still values the lesson his adoptive dads had taught him and that he shared it with his family and friends in the Pride Lands.
-I like to imagine when Kiara and Kion were little, if they had a nightmare, Simba didn't sing them a traditionally lullaby, he sang "Hakuna Matata" to them in their hour of need. I think what makes this ending more touching is the fact that we have the Royal Family and all the members of the Lion Guard also singing Hakuna Matata as one big, happy family.
-I like how the lesson of this episode is similar to the one from "Fuli's New Family" because it also encourages the idea of found family. I like the lesson about how "Family isn't just who are biologically related, but, it is also whom you chose to surround yourself with and sometimes your closest friends can feel like a family." I thought it was really sweet for teaching kids that familial ties can extend to your closest friends as and doesn't have to be biological all the time.
-I love this idea because the importance of family, acceptance and openness is a recurring theme in the Lion King films as well. Also, is it just me, or does this episode feel like Simba's "Sisi Ni Sawa" moment with Bunga? He spends half of the episode thinking Bunga was just an annoying kid with nothing to offer, but, then they bond over their shared interest. It did remind of Kion and Jasiri's relationship.
-First off, let's talk about the animation. Because, while the animation is great in general, like with most other Lion Guard episodes, in this episode it's very hit and miss, in my opinion. I hate the animation of Simba is falling into the sinkhole. At first, where he's just trying to climb up the wall, I think is decent animation. But, then we see Simba falling into the bottom of the sinkhole. The animation of the fall just looks so bad and cringe. I get what they were going for. They were trying to mirror Mufasa's fall, but, in with this TV budget and the fact that Simba's design looks cheesy and ugly, the animation just looks dopey and silly.
-So, yeah, I didn't like how they attempted to mirror Mufasa's fall on a tighter budget. It annoys me. Between the cheaper TV animation, to Simba's goofy TLG design that looks nothing like the Simba we know and the fact that Mufasa's fall is probably the darkest scene in The Lion King. Here, I'm sorry to say this because this series has great animation in general, but, Simba's fall just looks really stupid. It doesn't look like a fall, it just looks like a stuffed toy falling/lying flat on his back and/or a 1 year old waiting for a diaper change. I don't mean to keep harping on it, but, if Simba was animated better, then, maybe the fall could've been better too.
-Also, I'm sorry to keep harping on TLG Simba's design, but, come on Disney, you can do better than this! Are you really telling me Disney were able to make really realistic water on a TV budget, but, not make Simba look like the Simba we know! Heck, they actually did show that they would be able to do that in one of the future episodes of the series. I absolutely hate how this episode extenuates how much TLG Simba's design looks so cheap and poorly designed.
-A lot of the scenes either have Simba looking too small for a King of Beasts, and/or too dopey and babyish with his blocky eyebrows and his stubby legs. Surely, even the little kids know what he looks like and that lions should be really so big. So, it didn't any sense to me. The scene where Simba is telling Nala to go on without him to the concert looks so rushed. He should look a lot bigger and stronger, especially next to Bunga. I don't why I get so riled up over this considering I did not mind Kiara's design, I liked Nala and Kion's designs, but, Simba just looks really weird for some reason.
-The scene that really pissed me off was when an adult Simba threw a childish tantrum inside of the caverns. Seriously, who thought it would be a idea for Simba to roar in the face of a child. If you guys want my honest opinion, Simba was insufferable at times and he was definitely in the wrong for roaring at Bunga. Bunga was insufferable for talking down to the king and not learning from his mistakes, but, Simba is still wrong for losing his temper with a child.
-This scene did not go down well with the TLG fanbase and was used as evidence to prove the TLG's version of Simba was behaving more like his evil uncle. Getting upset over petty things, throwing a tantrum, lashing out over little things, shouting at kids, not being a happy guy compared to his iteration in the films. The Simba I know wouldn't just lash out over little things like that. As an adult and as Bunga's king, he does have a right to frustrated, but, there's a very fine line between being annoyed and throwing an absolute hissy fit.
-I do think Bunga shares some of the blame as well because he should've known to stop just treating Simba like he's just "his best friend's dad" and should've been more willing to listen to his instruction. I don't think he should've said, "Duh" in that manner to him. But, it's important that Bunga is only a child with clear signs of ADHD and just says things without thinking. Simba blew this whole situation out of proportion and it was unacceptable, uncalled for and a total OOC moment for him.
-I know TLK II and ROTR were big changes for Simba's character, but, they can't top this episode I'm afraid. Simba is annoying. I thought the way he treated Bunga was very mean considering he has kids of his own who sometimes annoy him. He should already know how to talk to kids without lashing out. It wasn't funny when he roared at Zazu in "Can't Wait to Be Queen" and it wasn't any funnier in this episode. Long story short, Simba is unlikable and comes across as a giant dick in early Season 1. I hated him for just wilfully choosing to abandon Bunga temporarily and not apologise to him after they found each other (he probably did apologise to him, but we don't see it). I mean, Bunga apologised to him after it had cooled down.
-Sorry to keep going on ranting about Simba. But, he really is an annoying asshole in Season 1 and they really could've written him better. He's nothing like how he was in the films. He's too angry, rude, abrasive, petty, short-tempered, annoying, a total stick-in-the-mud and uncaring for a large part of this episode. I don't like his overall rudeness to the Lion Guard. I didn't like it when Ono is explaining to, under Kion's command, that he's checking things in the sinkhole, and Simba just for some reason, rudely decides to point out the obvious instead of just thanking Ono for having a look around. Honestly, why wouldn't he have a look around if it's literally his job to do? Also, aside from his behaviour towards Bunga, I didn't like his rudeness after Nala told to hang in there. I don't know about you guys, but, he just rubs me the wrong way. Nala is clearly very worried about Simba and politely tells him to hang in there, like any normal person (or lioness).
-Rob Lowe's voice acting as Simba made it all worse for some reason. I've said this in my Return of the Roar review, but, I'll say it again, Disney should've asked Matthew Broderick to reprise his role and/or hire someone sounds close to how he talks in real life. I have to point out, Cam Clarke (one of Matthew Broderick's dub singers in TLK 2) voice Mwoga, the vulture, one of Mzingo's lackeys. So, there's no reason he couldn't do the do the voice of Simba either. Rob Lowe was a serious miscasting on Disney's part, in my and other fans' opinions. For some reason, he makes Simba sound even more douchey and unlikable. The more I watch this episode and early season episode, the more I was thinking Rob Lowe should have never be hired to voice Simba, no offense to him, he just wasn't the right actor. Between Rob Lowe's serious voice and Simba's goofy design, I really wish they thought about Simba's character more in The Lion Guard.
-Let's talk about Timon and Pumbaa. I just don't like their portrayal in The Lion Guard sometimes. Sometimes, they're endearing and in-characters, over times they're just exaggerated to the point where they annoy me. The first scene that they are in in this episode is when the Lion Guard is about to enter the cave with them and Timon and Pumbaa are just crying hysterically. I know this was a big part of their characters in the films, but, they didn't cry nearly as much in the films and I do feel like it was a bit OTT in this series.
-I feel like the writers were trying to play them as worried parents, but, I think if you're a parent or you've been around kids before, you would try to take the initiative and look for them. I know Kion's quote about Timon being "an expert at tunnels" was a direct The Lion King 1 1/2 reference, but, I would've liked to see Timon and Pumbaa try and navigate their way through Nandembo Caverns just because they were more useful/competent in the films. In this episode, they seemed too dim-witted. Remember how in the first film, they helped Simba get past the hyena clan, I wish they had been like that for this episode. I have a love/hate relationship with TLG's Timon and Pumbaa, they were good in "The Search for Utamu", but, they're nails-down-a-chalkboard in this episode, in my opnion.
-The line about "Don't worry Simba and Bunga" we're coming for you", was just nails-on-a-chalkboard and a good example of how not to use comic relief characters. It just felt like all Timon and Pumbaa were designed to do was the embarrassing parents and to cry loads. I will admit, I actually liked them talk about "a lost lion or a lonely honey badger...." But, the rest of it came off as annoying. Also, I hated the "Dead end. We're still coming for you." I feel like the writers overplayed their silliness. Upon reflection, I can see why TLG Fans have a love/hate relationship with these characters. They more better in future seasons and in the films.
So, that was my updated "Bunga and the King" review and I did enjoy it. Was is perfect? No, it had it's fair share of flaws, particularly in the middle act. But, was it a bad episode? No, it was still a good, nice and sweet episode with a lot of heart and a decent amount of humour to it. I really liked the worldbuilding aspects of it with the Elephants' Concert in Kilio Valley and also the relationship between the lions and elephants of the Pride Lands. I liked the introduction of Ma Tembo's herd. This is the first episode where she's formally introduced by name I believe and she instantly became one of my favourite minor character in the series. I liked Nala in this episode because she's a lot more fleshed out than Simba in this series and a lot more in-character. Kiara is also a good character. I liked the dialogue between Nala, Kiara and the rest of the Lion Guard. I liked Kion and Kiara's little sibling moments. I liked that Simba and Bunga were centre stage, for the most part, even though Simba did grate on my nerves some. I like that he was dedicated to upholding the Pride Lands' traditions and I liked him at the end again, because he did mellow out very quickly and I found him more likable at that point. I loved it when he and Bunga finally started listening to each other and seeing eye-to-eye for a change and the dialogue between them in the last 10 minutes was enjoyable. I liked that Hakuna Matata made a comeback in this episode and that it had all the Royal Family and the Lion Guard singing it. The message about the importance of "found family" was really heartwarming and adorable, and a staple of the Lion King franchise. I loved that Simba and Bunga could bond over their shared love of the Hakuna Matata philosophy. Timon and Pumbaa just really pissed me off in this episode because I thought their silly side was overplayed and exaggerated. I hated the way Disney tried to imitate Mufasa's Fall on a TV budget! Simba also wore on my patience very quickly, particularly during the middle act, his attitude was annoying and I hated him for roaring at a child. Rob Lowe' voice wasn't nearly as good as Matthew Broderick's and it shows off his imperfections. I didn't like Simba's design. I'm going to give it a 6.5/10 overall just because of theme of family in it and that sweet ending and the worldbuilding elements.
r/lionking r/LionGuard u/KrattBoy2006 u/HoraceTheBadger u/Clear-Clothes-2726 u/NotWet_Water u/amazingspiderfan110 u/Queen_Wah