What are some crazy things weed addiction made you do?
I'm 15 months sober and now so far away from the person who I used to be that I sometimes feel like talking about another person when I tell people of my past. Not because 15 months is such a long time, but because I worked so hard on myself to change into a person who I wanted to be. Still it's shameful to think about what I did in active addiction, and I want to change that, because it's a part of myself and my story, and because I think that trying to break throigh the circle of self stigmatization is an important part of recovery.
So I'm wondering, what are the crazy things you did while in active addiction?
For me it was stealing. I stole weed and money from friends and family, and not only once, but constantly. It got so far that my parents started to lock their bedroom when they were gone. I'm super glad they are now slowly starting to trust me again.
Also the crazy panics whenever I ran out. I usually hid some weed around my apartment so I would have some 'emergency bud', but constantly forgot where I stashed them. So whenever I ran out, a crazy search began, that usually ended in my apartment being trashed. When I didn't find any, I searched every carpet and every corner of my 'weed drawer' for some crumbs. Or I 'cleaned' my grinder. I don't even wanna know how much metal shards and dust I smoked 🤢
Now the most disgusting part: When it got really bad, I took some joint butts to reroll. I'm cringing at the memory while typing this.