What Champions have Kits where no ability interacts with another?

Hey its me again. The guy with the stupid questions.

After i asked what champions have the same ability i realized that there are many champs with the same ability where the biggest difference is the interaction with the champs kit and that got me wondering again.

What champs have no interaction between any ability?

I was expecting that all recent champions have some sort of interaction in between but the latest champ with 4 seperate abilities and passiv was Renata Glasc. (unless i read it wrong and her spells can trigger her passiv)

I am aware that there are some gray zones.

Does the interaction between Master Yi´s passiv and E count? maybe. But his CD reset during ult does.

Does Jax passiv AS and ult passiv count? No. Not a real interaction.

i am expecting some older champs to be in here but i only locked into the more recent ones and found Renata Glasc, Trundle and Sett. (Hes out cause his Q resets his passiv state)

Edit: Bard, Xerath Lissandra, Nautilus, Jinx, Dr Mundo, Garen, Blitzcrank, Kog maw, Nunu, Poppy, Teemo, Fizz

And yes, i am counting the passiv so any spell that triggers a passiv counts.