Why wasn’t Viktor’s W changed?

Controversy about Viktor’s new lore/appearance aside, I was willing to look past this in excitement for W changes.

The ability feels dated and unfun to use due to the hyper mobile kits that have become the norm in league across all roles. Champs don’t even need a dash, they can walk out of W radius. A VGU sets expectations that a champs kit would be improved to fit modern league, and it just seems like this philosophy was not applied to Viktor’s W.

The only substantial change was to his R and to be frank, this change seems lackluster. Vik’s R itself in practice is not used to confirm kills, I don’t see how this change is impactful in his gameplay.

I don’t know if it is too late, but W was the ability that all mains (at least visible from the sub) were in agreement should be substantially changed, it’s disappointing that it was left completely intact with the same problems it’s had pre-rework.

Edit: I am seeing a lot of arguments stating that a straight buff to W would be too oppressive as it’s still a viable form of zone control. I agree i’m not calling for a straight buff, my argument is that as an ability that you skip leveling and is reliant on other players agency, it isn’t satisfying to use and should’ve been reworked. The ability has no intrinsic synergy with Viktor’s own kit in comparison to other zone control abilities (Cass’s W and Anivia W work well with their other abilities).

As mobility creep increases (Additional boots upgrades are coming next season) this ability will continue to feel worse to use.