How’s Luka doing?
Not a Lakers fan, actually u guys used to be my least favourite team lmao, but I like Luka, and Bron has been growing on me so u guys are too. Was shocked (just like the rest of the world lol) to hear about the trade and felt really bad for Luka, who obviously thought he was gonna be a Maverick for the rest of his career, or at least for a good while.
Since then I’ve been checking his stats after every game, and it definitely seems he’s been doing better recently. However, box scores don’t paint the whole picture, so could u guys tell me how’s he’s been playing? Do you think he’ll get back to the level he was at last season? Who’s the first option, him or Bron? I heard his defense has been better too, and in some photos it looks like he’s already lost some weight. Haven’t been able to watch any games, but probably will once I get the chance.
Anyway, good luck with him, you guys got an insane opportunity here, so make sure u go get him a ring! (not before us tho, the Grizzlies need one bad🙏)