Irish Visa from the Philippines

What’s the success rate in applying for an Irish Visa?

I’ll be visiting my boyfriend in October and I’m planning to apply for a visit visa instead of a tourist visa. He’ll be shouldering most of my expenses in documents and I’ll be staying at his place.

I’ve read that the application process takes 8-12 weeks. It’s too long for me at this time. I’ll be traveling also in mid-September in 2 Asian countries, so I should apply as early as now for a visa if I intend to visit in mid-October?

This is stressing me out bc there’s not much blogs, vlogs, and posts about Irish visa here in my country.

Our 2nd option would be applying for a UK visa and just enter in London and go to Dublin. But I don’t think they will accept his sponsorship if he lives in Republic of Ireland, am I right?

Help please! 🥹