How do you give yourself closure for a friendship that ended poorly?

Growing up, I (INFJ F) had a close friend who saw me through many of my broken moments in high school and college. At the peak of COVID, we had an argument which, well present day, we haven't spoken to each other in five years.

I knew we were headed for the eventual breakdown of our friendship because she was a "yeah sure whatever" person and would do things without considering the impact on others. She was always around but I felt that she was perpetually closed off from me trying to understand her.

The big argument. Looking back, we were both at fault for the way we responded. Coupled with me being laid off a week earlier, I had many unkind thoughts which spilled out during our argument. At the same time, she couldn't see what she had done to hurt me and our relationship.

We haven't spoken to each other in five years. No door slam because a part of me wanted to keep the door ajar..

I thought about her today. Was cleaning the basement and found an old birthday present from her. I wished we had ended our friendship on better terms.

How do you find closure in a relationship that ended poorly?