The r/indieheads Album of the Year 2024 Write-Up Series: Courting - New Last Name

Howdy! Welcome to the fourth day of the r/indieheads Album of the Year 2024 Write-up Series! This is our annual event where we showcase pieces from some of our favorite writers on the subreddit, discussing some of their favorite records of the year! We'll be running through the bulk of January with one new writeup a day from a different r/indieheads user! Today, u/batmanisafurry returns to cover Courting's New Last Name.

Lower Third/PIAS Recordings - January 26, 2024






Courting are a band that came up during in the early 2020s boon of British guitar crankery with bands like Squid, Black Midi, and Black Country, New Road. You'd think they were Windmill-adjacent...except Courting never really fit in with that scene, and they never even played at The Windmill! In fact, compared to other bands being slapped with the experimental post-punk tag, Courting are more interested in pop experimentation. They are fearless in their attempts of marrying pop song sensibilities with their own brand of chaos. 

New Last Name is their sophomore album but in a strange way it can also be seen as their second debut. The entire record was mostly written alongside Guitar Music, in an effort to not let audience/critic expectations influence the way the band would conceptualize their follow up. The band just finished touring America this past 2024 for the first time ever and they’re already gearing up to release their third album Lust for Life, Or How to Thread the Needle and Come Out the Other Side to Tell the Story due this March. 

There is a palpable hunger and creative spark in the band's music. The energy is too infectious to ignore and New Last Name is an album that should propel them into pop stardom.  

Write Up by u/batmanisafurry:

I wish my lifestyle was publicized. No matter how fleeting the thought, we’ve all imagined what our life would be like if we were famous. That person we imagine isn’t you but a version of yourself. It’s you with a new last name. The way famous people often have a persona they play in front of cameras and the “real” version that none of us will ever know. The mundane way they go about their days, how they make breakfast, a walk they take, what music they listen to. 

Some of us take on a persona on a day to day basis. Maybe not as extreme as say a pop star, but a bit more grounded. How we conduct ourselves at work is a version of ourselves: water cooler talk, laughing at jokes you don’t find funny, faking weekend plans to fill up conversation space. I do this to get through the work day; the person I play at my job is different from the person at home, who is slightly different from the person I am with friends, which is also different from the person I am in front of my parents! All of them facets of my identity, yet at times they feel like completely different people.  

Donning the mask of a character makes it easier to talk about myself in my creative work. I think most people who make art would agree to an extent. I mean what are movie characters if not an amalgamation of the writer mixed with fiction? A way to talk about yourself without literally talking about yourself. It’s a bit silly to explain but at least for me, writing about my personal life becomes easier when I can hide behind the veil of fiction. That way the audience never knows how much of what they are reading/hearing is real. It’s a form of protection in a way, to be vulnerable in your art opens you up for critique that can feel like a personal attack.

This push and pull of what is character work, what is real and what is fiction is the basis of New Last Name the sophomore album from Liverpool band Courting. Two years after their debut, Guitar Music, the band returned with a new album, a new sonic pallet, and a new last name. Listening to the record perhaps you’d think that Courting are part of the top 10 most streamed artists on Spotify. After all, they call themselves pop stars throughout the record! But New Last Name is a confounding record, as evident by the polarizing reactions since its release. 

Even before the first single was released, Courting was laying the groundwork for their grand play. Creating a mysterious instagram account “Lifestylewaspublicized” akin to the “360brat” account created by Charli XCX. They even went as far to create a fake band “The Throwbecks” for the release of the second single “Throw”. The music videos of each single all have hints that build to the greater narrative of New Last Name, especially the video for lead single “Flex”. Which features Sean Murp--I mean Christian Name, trying to outrun the paparazzi as a famous pop star. 

If this sounds like a lot, well you’re right it is. New Last Name is packed to the absolute brim with hidden lore, world building, and references. Also, did I mention it’s also a theatrical play dressed as an album where the members of the band play characters?! Introducing Sean Murphy O’Neil as Christian Name, Josh Cope as Matt Innay, Sean Thomas as Percy Veer and Connor McCann as Rick O’Shay. I think the question on most people’s minds is, why would you do all of this extra stuff for an album?

Thinking about it realistically, how many listeners will do the extra work of finding the secrets and references, piecing together this overarching story? All of this extra material shows a lot of care for the art. You have to believe and love the art you're making to go the extra mile for a potentially small amount of listeners but it shows how much it means to you. So, have I tried to piece the “true” story together? Yes, I’ve tried it and I do have an idea of what I think the story is but honestly it's not important to my enjoyment of the record. 

Which is part of what Sean and the band wanted. All of the lore surrounding the record is fun but it’s not what makes “New Last Name” a fantastic record. No, that’s the songs themselves and the lyrical themes of the record. It’s just that they’re wrapped up in a beautiful cacophony of 2000s era indie. “New Last Name” to me is ultimately about learning to accept yourself for who you are. Every part of you, the persona you play at work or in front of someone you want to impress. It’s about the fear of feeling yourself change, whether that be changing your personality for other people, to make them like you or to avoid awkward conversations. Realizing that continually playing a version of yourself can lead to feelings of dissociation, no longer feeling like yourself and how eventually all these feelings will come to the surface. 

Simply put, I believe the record centers on a pop star who upon having a chance encounter with a past lover begins to spiral in regret of what they’ve become and mourning the loss of the life they could’ve had. “The Hills” is the song where the fears of change first come into full view as Sean cleverly uses the construction of a grocery store as a way to talk about change. Key lines I’d like to highlight from this song include “But why must we get sick and die? Why must all the aisles change?” and “I’ve paid for this like twenty times, and now all I’ve got left is change”. 

The song centers on our main character Christian Name, having a chance encounter with a past love and yet all they can talk about is the mundane way that the grocery store changed. Prices have gone up and aisles have changed. Christian is left only with change, both literally as in the change you get from buying stuff but also being left with the changed person you are. You are now less than whole, getting change back from a $20 leaves you with less than what you started with. Or we can take it as the breaking down of a bill, a $20 split into $5. Mirroring how you separate pieces of yourself to fit in. You're no longer whole as a result of this internal change. 

Following this track we have “Flex”, possibly the catchiest track on the record and a poignant narrative turn for the record. It’s the song that establishes the facade/persona that our character is playing, that of a mega pop star that on the outside presents themselves as being too busy/famous to care about anything. But the song reveals that the mask is slipping as he can’t help but think of this person who he’s lost connection with. 

Creating a character is a form of protection, it allows us to show parts of ourselves that we might have otherwise been too afraid to show. We can hide behind the guise of fiction, so people will never quite know what is the truth, where sincerity begins and ends. Though he is a “pop star” throughout the song his biggest hurdle is trying to write an email to the person he loves as he sheepishly attempts to set up a hang out. The lyrics are imbued with a nervous, anxious tone “I’ve been thinking for a long time, on the off chance no problem if not, but have you heard of this one place?” 

Which is in direct contrast to the mega pop star persona of the song. Our character is playing up this persona as a form of protection from his true feelings, trying to distract his mind with work so as not to succumb to his true feelings of loneliness and longing for this past connection. It ties back into “The Hills” where we see Christian feeling lost in his own head, not knowing how to communicate with the person he’s in love with. Playing the persona of the pop star warped his sense of self. It’s something that can happen to anyone. Where you start to realize you’re acting less and less like yourself. Diluting your personality to conform to the standards of others. 

At the same time “Flex” also captures the immense fun of the record and Courting’s music as a whole. The fantasy element of it all, the power of fiction and how much fun making art can be. The line that best encapsulates the record is here “I just wanna ball out with my friends, I wish my lifestyle was publicized, live streamed lie in forever”. The duality of the record is existential dread and uninhibited fun. I find that a lot of the lyrics are quite over the top but in a way that is entirely sincere. 

To put it mildly our man Christian Name is down bad for sure. “Throw” the opening track features some of the funniest lyrics across the record such as “Been drawing figure 8s on pictures of you lately, I’ve been thumbing a softy”. Our man is trying on every perfume to find the one that reminds him of that person. It’s over the top, it’s silly but that’s why it works. Similarly in “Emily G” our guy is consumed by the thought of this person. He describes calling them over 5 times in a night and even when hanging out with friends he can’t get them out of his head “(And I) Tried my best but I can’t lie, (When I’m with them) I think about you the whole time”. 

“Emily G” sort of reminds me of “Disco 2000” by Pulp as both deal with the passage of time and seeing a person better off than they were before. We have the idea of mourning the loss of the life you wish you had with them. It’s the centerpiece of the album and one steeped in regret. 

My love for this record is immense, and all the extrapolating that I’ve indulged in throughout this piece is frankly a bit silly, I’ll be the first to admit that. I find that many of the lyrics on the record that can be read as cringe, are some of the most poignantly honest. These moments show the personality of the band. Such as in “Happy Endings” one of the most eccentric songs on the record, it features a favorite line of mine “Spent all the rest with our friends, watching reaction videos, I lived outside of my head”. Binge watching reaction videos cuts deep man, as a person who grew up with the rise of YouTube, I never thought there would be an ultra specific lyric just for me. 

For all the existential dread I take from the album I have to say no other record from 2024 also made me feel like I really am a pop star. Sorry to “Brat”, although I still liked that album quite a bit. Much of the record is self-referential which makes it sound more cohesive than it may appear as the record jumps through a couple different styles. At every turn Courting are trying to craft the perfect pop song, a valiant effort and one I think they succeed in. “The Wedding” has my favorite chorus on the record, in a thematic sense and also it’s just so much fun to sing along to. 

The song highlights Seans knack for songwriting, stringing words together that just sound great. From the multiple rhymes with the word “nine” in the pre chorus to the way he sings “rendezvous”, to make it almost rhyme with “a thing or two”. The song is playful but it harbors a great sadness in the revelatory chorus. Bringing it back to the fear of change, our protagonist Christian describes the nostalgic past with this person. Despite feeling like he knows this person, he only remembers a version of them from 2009, a year that is referenced multiple times. 

The chorus is a back and forth in his head “So why do I feel like I don't know you (I do, I do), Like I don’t know you (I do, I do)”. To think you know someone only to realize they’re a total stranger. So all that he has left is a slideshow of their greatest hits and the reality of change. Nothing will ever be the same. 

The record comes to a conclusion of acceptance in the final song “America”. New Last Name, feels like Courting in their truest form. Early releases had the band pegged as just another talk-singing post punk band that would fade into the background. Even “Guitar Music” with its explosive electronic tinged production was still grouped into the umbrella of post punk. I think New Last Name is the bold step forward for the band that firmly establishes them in their own lane. Sean Murphy O’Neils one of a kind writing style and a band that fearlessly follows their gut. 

The ending is akin to finally accepting every part of yourself, all the personas you play no matter how different they are from your true self. It’s an exaggerated part of you that comes from a real feeling or thought. That you could be that other person. With a new last name you’re not necessarily becoming a better version of yourself but a different version and sometimes that’s all we want. Just wanting to be anyone but yourself. 

The final lines of “America” 

We could talk, it just won't be the same 

You’ve got an 020 number now

You’ve got a new last name

Favorite Lyrics:

If someone’s god really made you look that pretty 

I would throw my back out prayin’

  • Throw

You were in your hands

I was in my head, everything I thought 

Everything I said, runs through the outlines

The mold on the white tiles - and I’ll try…

  • Babys

I see you, all the time

So I CC, subject line

RE: how’ve you been, well I’ve been fine

  • Flex

Talking Points

  • Do you play up or down any part of your personality at work? If so, what do your coworkers know you as? 
  • What do you think about artists that include layers of lore to their album releases? Do you only look into it if you like the album or do you think it’s kinda silly?
  • Is this your introduction to Courting? If you were already a fan of the band, what do you think about the style shift between New Last Name and Guitar Music? 
  • Lastly, if you could change your last name, what would you change it to?

Kudos to u/batmanisafurry returning to share a dispatch on Courting! Tomorrow morning we'll have u/buckleycowboy with an essay on Kim Gordon's The Collective. In the meantime, discuss today's album and writeup in the comments below, and take a look at the schedule to familiarize yourself with the rest of the lineup.


Date Artist Album Writer
1/7 Vampire Weekend Only God Was Above Us u/rccrisp
1/8 Cindy Lee Diamond Jubilee u/AmishParadiseCity
1/9 Courting New Last Name u/batmanisafurry


Date Artist Album Writer
1/10 Kim Gordon The Collective u/buckleycowboy
1/11 Liquid Mike Paul Bunyan's Slingshot u/MCK_OH
1/12 Father John Misty Mashashmashana u/roseisonlineagain
1/13 Los Campesinos! All Hell u/D0gsNRec0rds
1/14 Magdalena Bay Imaginal Disk u/SkullofNessie
1/15 Friko Where we've been, Where we go from heree u/clashroyale18256
1/17 acloudskye There Must Be Something Here u/Modulum83
1/19 DJ Birdbath Memory Empathy u/teriyaki-dreams
1/20 Rafael Toral Spectral Evolution u/WaneLietoc
1/21 Hyukoh & Sunset Rollercoaster AAA u/TheReverendsRequest
1/22 Mamaleek Vida Blue u/garyp714
1/23 MGMT Loss of Life u/LazyDayLullaby
1/24 Katy Kirby Blue Raspberry u/MoisesNoises
1/25 Alan Sparhawk White Roses, My God u/MetalBeyonce
1/27 Elbow Audio Vertigo u/MightyProJet
1/29 The Decemberists As It Ever Was, So It Will Be Again u/traceitan
1/30 Adrianne Lenker Bright Futures u/its_october_third
1/31 Geordie Greep The New Sound u/DanityKane