Annihilation of caste
I have been reading "Annihilation of Caste" by Dr BR Ambedkar . I haven't completed it yet but it has already made me realise how little do we know about our Caste System . Damage it has done seems irreversible . This system continues to affect Economics, politics and social structure of India .
It confines Hindus within their shells and they refuse to diffuse with others by sharing intellectual growth and knowledge they have learnt within their traditions . This division among Hindus is the sole reason of their disintegration and disunity .We see rising tensions among the castes and they view each other as different entities . The concept of brotherhood among Hindus has transmogrified to that within the caste only.
We have stopped advocating the fact that Hinduism was not supposed to be a rigid religion but a way of life . Caste system has fractured this way of life into fragments where people hibernate and take great pleasure in criticising each other. We celebrate the same festivals but our rituals divide us . First question we ask to the person is related to their caste ,not their thoughts ,perspectives or characters .
It has wrapped our eyes with division and why do we fail to see those opportunities when we could live with harmony ,understand and learn from each other without having to showcase our superiority over others .
Castes has bound people to do occupations where they might not flourish and forces them to forge a profession furnaced by the beliefs of their fathers , forefathers and advocates of our castes. We take great pride in how unhappy our profession has kept us because we had to follow our caste consciousness and put a mask over our own . Exploration ends right within the boundaries of our castes and we fail to harmonise with those who do not belong to it. Being born in a family of Brahmins with the same superficial features a Dalit has becomes the reason that one hates the other. And the stupid reason of maintaining purity within the clan we give against intercaste marriages is a mock on our own intellect and sanity .